
Psychoanalytic ideas of leadership and modern ideas about its nature

Introduction. The article discusses the main psychoanalytic ideas of leadership, starting with the analysis of the fundamental work of Z. Freud’s “Mass psychology and self-analysis”, ending with an overview of modern leadership concepts using or based on the provisions of psychoanalysis. Theoretical analysis. The pa per analyzes the psychodynamic processes in the dyads “leader – crowd” and “leader – followers”, identifies the key concepts of leadership used in psychoanalysis.

Model of Effective Manager in Frame of Dynamic Leadership Concept

This research is dedicated to a problem of leadership effectiveness in the context of changing social situation. As part of the research generalized competency model «20 dimensions» was created. Results of comparing «20 dimensions» to three popular Western models demonstrated that despite significant similarities between these models, several competencies crucial to defining the success of a manager in Russia are not in demand abroad.

The Correlation of Emotional Intelligence Qualities and Management Effectiveness

This article tells about researches of the emotional intelligence qualities of the leaders of the organizations, that took place in 2009.The examples of the foreign test measuring emotional intelligence adaptation for the Russian culture are discussed. The conclusions of the research are formulated. The main conclusion is the discovery of the connection of emotional intelligence qualities and management effectiveness for Russian culture.

Methods of Managerial Team Sotering: Soteriogical Game «The Way of Hero» (Case Analysis)

This article presents experience of design, arrange and discussion of the soteriogical game «Way of Hero» as an element of the order training. The soteriogical game is one of the methods that is included into the order technology of organizational culture change. This case demonstrates potential for use of this method for diagnostics and change of ethic and semantic system of management team.