
Social Axiological Rhizome: the Zone of Risk Escalation

This article analyzes the axiological situation of the modern society. The author believes that the axiological foundation of the modern society has lost features of the system, but continues to be a holistic formation, homogeneous in nature, which is evolving non-linearly in different directions without having a single centre and multiple in nature. The most appropriate name for such formation is taken from postmodern philosophy, i.e rhizome. Besides, the paper also postulates that axiological rhizome determines riskogenics of the modern society.

The Organizational Culture of a Theater as a Subject of a Social-Psychological ResearchThe Organizational Culture of a Theater as a Subject of a Social-Psychological Research

The article analyzes the specificity of studying organizational culture of a theater through social-psychological research approach. The author argues the benefits of an order approach appliance in a study of a theatrical organization. As a methodological basis of order approach A.Schweitzer and P. Kozlowski’s works are considered.

Possibilities of Military Environment in the Organization of Psychological and Pedagogical Support for Professional Adaptation of Young Officers

The article discusses issues related to the study of pedagogical capabilities of the military environment in the organization of psychological and pedagogical support for professional adaptation of young officers to official activities in the initial period of their professional functioning.

Education Community in Knowledge Based Economy Terms

In terms of knowledge based economy education community transfers from academic association to economic corporation. It works as business entity and involves in production, translation and distribution of a special product - the scientific knowledge. This knowledge can be successfully capitalized within a person. Special features and consequences of this transformation are examined in the article; special attention is paid to a new ethos of education community.

Personality Characteristics of the Managers, Operating Business-Systems at the Different Stages of Development

In this article examined the problem of distinctions in socially-psychological personality characteristics between two types of managers - ones operating business at stages of development and during stabilization. Basic parameters specific for the personalities of the observed types, are described.