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Raykova-Mertz E. V. The Organizational Culture of a Theater as a Subject of a Social-Psychological ResearchThe Organizational Culture of a Theater as a Subject of a Social-Psychological Research. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 76-80. DOI:

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The Organizational Culture of a Theater as a Subject of a Social-Psychological ResearchThe Organizational Culture of a Theater as a Subject of a Social-Psychological Research

The article analyzes the specificity of studying organizational culture of a theater through social-psychological research approach. The author argues the benefits of an order approach appliance in a study of a theatrical organization. As a methodological basis of order approach A.Schweitzer and P. Kozlowski’s works are considered. Order approach is based on identification of indissoluble communications between economy and ethics and leans on the following postulates: ethical conditionality of economy; economic conditionality of ethics; theory of combination of the ethical and economic benefit. Specifics of theater as the organizations is replacement of quantitative indices (success at the audience) that forces the head to address to new ways of social and psychological stimulation. Efficiency of order approach consists in use of ethical motivation as a way of increase of solidarity and enthusiasm in theatrical collective.

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