
Cyvilyzation and Metaphysics

Article is devoted to attempt to clear up the cult bases of the West civilization and identify the causes of the formation of the latest features in the Judeo-Christian metaphysics. The analysis begins with justification of thought of Pavel Florenskiy’s postulate that, not only a culture genetically comes from a cult, but also any philosophical categories come from a cult too.

Ontological analysis of the models of scientific conceptuality bordering on metaphysics

The article analyzes some conceptual models of modern science, which border on metaphysics, that is, when working with them, they require an assessment of their ontological and cognitive status. The concepts of “dark” or “black” matter are considered in connection with the so-called problem of “mass defect”, and negative quantities in mathematics.

“The old burden” of subjectivity in criticism of L. Feuerbach and Junghegelianer

The article is devoted to the consideration of key aspects of the socio-political meaning and direction of the philosophical and theological doctrine of the Junghegelianer. The nomination of philosophy as the “mother of sciences”, combining the old metaphysics and new dialectic, to the center of the social “agenda” is explained both by internal reasons (split in the Hegel “school”, competition from positivism, renaissance of theological thought), and the impact of external factors.

Methodological Basis of "New Religious Consciousness" in V.S. Solovyovs Philosophy

This article is devoted to study of V.S. Solovyovs philosophical research оf «new religious consciousness» as alternative of reflective consciousness. The accent is given to peculiarities of ontological intuition in «metaphysics of universal unity» and to «positive dialectics» as methodology to comprehend supernatural primary substance. Solution of this problem is realized in context of analysis by the Russian philosopher of Gegels dialectics and his interpretation of identity law.

Habermas’ Postmetaphysical Thinking: an Analytic

The article is devoted to the consideration of J. Habermas’ concept
of postmetaphysical thinking. According to Habermas, the transformation
of the four aspects of metaphysical thinking (identity
thinking, idealism, prima philosophia as philosophy of consciousness
and the strong concept of theory) results in modern philosophy in a
shift, that leads to establishing of postmetaphysical thinking, also
characterized by four features: procedural rationality, situating
reason, the linguistic turn and deflating the extra-ordinary. However,