
Principles of the evolutionary modelling in the research of the development of professional education

Introduction. Modelling is an important step in the analysis of a complex system functioning. It allows to define how the elements of the system are joined together, how they function; and to plan the directions of their development in the future. Traditionally two types of modelling are used in pedagogical research, verbal and conceptual ones. The former is the verbal expression of the ideas; the latter is their graphical mapping.

The Model of Formation of Readiness of a Future Math Teacher to the Realization of Additional Math Education of Pupils

The article deals with one of the guestions, concerning with the problem of formation of readiness of a future math teacher to the realization of additional math education of pupils – the model of formation of readiness.

Risks of religious socialization in a post-secular society

The article presents the search for effective steps to minimize interfaith tension. The authors reveal the essence of traditional introduction to religion in the modern information environment. Digital technologies, on the one hand, expand the horizons of the possible, but on the other hand, the personality breaks away from natural communication, and as a result, the internal system of spiritual landmarks is disturbed. And then the human sensible world easily switches to another type of communication due to his or her natural need for sympathy and care – to virtual communication.

The Professional Legal Training Model for the Agrarian University Students

The article is considered to offer the author’s approach to Science of Law professionally oriented teaching course based on common pedagogical criteria of the model as a system. As the

Mathematical Model as a Diagnostic Tool for Determination of the Formation Level of Pedagogical Tolerance

In her article the author specifies the term «pedagogical tolerance» and determines its psychological components. Mathematical model’s creation is described and theoretically justified stepwise. It helps to determine the level of pedagogical tolerance during its formation process, to set up a correspondence between real and necessary demonstrations of tolerant behavior in pedagogical practice. 

Psychological Description of the Criminal Activity

The result of theoretical psychological analysis of the criminal activity
are pleaded with the sidelines of career approach; the model of criminal
action is described.

The Model of Inductive Thinking Development Learners at Language Schools

The article reveals the significance of inductive thinking development for language school learners and suggests its descriptive mode. The realization of the model is represented by the logics of its blocks. The effectiveness of the model is defined by the criteria and data demonstrating the degree of inductive thinking formation.