
Dyad «Identity – alienation» in Marx syntagm: Past and Present

The article deals with current problems of understanding the phenomenon of identity in a dialectical relationship with the phenomenon of alienation in the Western philosophical tradition. Special attention is devoted to the articulation of identity and alienation in a single dyad by Marx. In the context of Marxist ideas, an attempt is made to reveal the content of the «identity–alienation» dyad in relation to the human being in a modern capitalist society. It seems? That in the realities of modern capitalism the process of see-alienation does not pass or anyone.

Движение альтерглобализма и его преемники: борьба за общечеловеческую идентичность?

Кризисное состояние современного общества, выражающееся в сломе традиционных институтов, эскалации конфликтов на международной арене, экологических проблемах, отчужденности и т.д., требует своего разрешения. Общественные проблемы нуждаются в том, чтобы их решало все общество, однако здесь появляется сложность: пока нет объединяющей, общечеловеческой платформы, единой идентичности и т.д., общество остается атомизированным, раздробленным. Тем не менее попытки создать такую платформу с формированием общей идентичности имели место.

Parameters of Destraction in Youth’s Socialization: Aspects of Methodology

In the article the methodological resource of the activity-related approach to define parameters of destructive pattern in the process of socialization of youth’s is investigated. The author demonstrates that use of this methodological resource focuses on process of search of
destructive behavior factors in areas of social livelihood and person’s conscious. Based on the performed study, the author specifies the level of the interaction of the destructive behavior parameters in information and communication fields as well as the cognitive structures.

Phenomenon of Alienation as Attribute of Globalization: Cultural Aspect

In clause the socially-philosophical analysis of modern integration processes in which basis the idea of total association of people by means of new information technologies lays is spent. Computer networks, the Internet, cellular communication, acting, on the one hand, powerful means of the communications, promote virtualization of social life, substitution of real dialogue, loss of true social communications.

The Question of Definition of Conception «Transformed conditions of consciousness

It makes an attempt to define the conception «Transformed conditions  of  consciousness?»  and  «Is  the  consciousness  cognized?». It gives proof of the fact that consciousness is a form of interaction of person with society. In its turn transformed conditions of consciousness is a consciousness of such interaction. It emphasizes that depersonalizations and alienation are come out as a factor of transformed conditions of consciousness.

Social Philosophy of Hannah Arendt: Political and Ethic Aspects

The paper is devoted to the analysis of political, ethical and existential
grounds of a man’s being in the social philosophy of Hannah Arendt.
Actually her philosophy can be considered the political philosophy and
thus it focuses on historical perception of society in its human dimension
from the Ancient Greeks to modern Europe. The basic concepts of the philosophy of Arendt – «freedom» and «deprivation of freedom». It is
about the origins of total domination, about the need to overcome its