Forming graduate students’ vision regarding pedagogical activity of a classical university professor

In the introduction it is stated that forming graduate students’ readiness for pedagogical activity is based on the methodology of the post-non-classical science, which allows to use qualitative research methods aimed at interpreting opinions, standpoints, values of the actors as legitimate “data” and to define understanding of pedagogical activity’s specifics and the key trends in the development of higher education.

Pedagogical Activity on the Organization of Youth Self-Governance at a Faculty

The article considers the concept of «youth» and the specificity of the development of this age group within society and university. The author points out that the students of a faculty are a specific youth group, which needs to focus on their own development, as well as in need of support and acceptance by the group of peers and self-fulfillment in it. On this basis, one of the directions of pedagogical activity at a faculty is the creation of the students’ self-government, the center of which should become a student council as a strong organizational core.

Emotional Stability as a Factor in Teaching

This article examines the state of scientific exploration and the main subjects concerning formation of emotional stability as a factor in teaching. The author notes the tendency to exaggerate the biological aspects of emotional stability and indicates the need for serious consideration of social conditions for human development.

The Characteristics of Pedagogical Innovations

The article covers the essence of pedagogical innovations, the system of traditional and innovative education. It analyses pedagogical approaches to implication of innovative pedagogical activities in teaching practice.

The Main Rule of the Didactic Theory by J.A. Comensky

The article explains the use of visual methods, established by J.A. Comensky, the founder of the didactic studies.