
Daily reality as a relevant form of life

The article focuses on the phenomenon of daily reality as an element of public life. The author analyses the principles this notion is based on. Daily reality is a mode that states the authenticity of a man’s being. The premises which have led to the necessity of the notion’s study are defined, the latter being a fundamental rethinking of rationality’s role as a method to figure out where a man’s place in the world is. The author analyses methodology of the problem within the philosophical discourse, and gives a socio-cultural justification of daily reality structures and levels.

The theory of a just state in the philosophical concept of the institutional person

The antagonisms in the development of modern social relations make working out the idea of creating comfortable life conditions for a person in society topical again. This circumstance suggests reconsidering the theory of a just state within the context of the philosophical conception of the institutional person with a substantial comprehension of the institutional organization of society comparing it with the variability of the tasks of modern democracy.

Freedom and Responsibility in the Context of Consciousness Evolution: Synergetic Analysis

The main subject of the article includes the characteristics of the evolution of consciousness and culture in general from the standpoint of the synergetic philosophy of history exploring the evolution of complex socio-cultural systems, the processes of selforganization at the phenomena level (non-equilibrium, bifurcation) and at the level of essence (selection, super-selection).

Phenomenological Paradigm of a Social Order

The phenomenological method is directed not at studying of specialized forms of knowledge (as a science, for example), but at «daily knowledge», reality of the «Lebenswelt», previous to all theoretical systems. Its main theoretical source is the phenomenology of E. Husserl, recycled by A. Schutz to phenomenological sociology. Process of formation of the person occurs in interrelation with environment. Social order is a product of man, or rather, continuing human production. It created by man in the process of externalization.

The Limit Phenomenon as a Base of the Mind Intentionality and the Objective Reality Perception

Our work is dedicated to the philosophical analysis of the "limit" phenomenon. The author considers the "limit" as a clear symbol devoid of content, which expresses the essential sense of the Symbolic. The "limit" is viewed as a base abstraction - the source of reflection of the cognitive and epistemological instrument and the basis of plurality (the perception of the material world variety).

N. Taleb's “Black Swan” as a Philosophical Reflexation of Riskogenic Society

The research focus of the publication is the theory of the “Black Swan” of the modern philosopher N. Taleb, which is considered in the context of the risky measurement of society. “Black Swans” – events that have extremely low predictability, in terms of their impact, can dramatically transform the world. Today, the society is filled with extremely unpredictable events, which make its development as vague as possible.


В статье представлен анализ рискогенных процессов, вызванных переустройством техногенного общества под влиянием новых социальных сдвигов в общественной жизни. В авторской трак- товке системный риск представляет собой многомерное прояв- ление опасности для общественной и частной жизни, опасности, таящей преимущественно неблагоприятные последствия для институционального порядка и повседневного существования человека. Системные риски представлены под углом зрения концепций жизненного и системного миров.

The Institutional Person and the Order of Society: Plato-Aristotle's Tradition and Modern Democracy

The paper is devoted to considering the philosophical heritage of Plato and Aristotle touching upon the problems of the institutional person as a representative of the community of people. The dominating influence of culture and the education of society on the essence of the established owner of moral and intellectual properties is fixed. Special attention is also paid to disclosing the quality of its functional coordination with the habit of society regarding the concrete ruling regime.


В  статье  исследуется  транзитивное  состояние  политического 
порядка  и  риск-тенденций  доверия  на  примере  посткоммуни-
стических  обществ.  Порядок  и  доверие  являются  взаимообус-
ловленными  явлениями,  вне  которых  невозможно  стабильное 
функционирование  социальных  систем  и  процессов.  Выделя-
ются вертикальная и горизонтальная оси доверия в обществе, 
фундированные  идеологией.  Деформация  коммунистических 
режимов и кризис политических институтов определили транс-