
Religious-mystical experience and the psychoanalytic tradition

Introduction. The purpose of the article is to consider the specifics of the approach to religious and mystical experience in the psychoanalytic tradition from the point of view of revealing the degree of its interdisciplinarity. Theoretical analysis.

Study of religious traditions as a factor in ensuring the secular nature of culture and education

This paper examines the dialogue and mutual influence of secular and religious culture in the system of secular education from two points of view: firstly, the influence of teaching knowledge about religion on the implementation of the secular nature of education and, secondly, the impact of the need to comply with state educational standards on the form of presentation of religious culture.

In Defence of the Assailants: The Origins and the Essence of Totalitarianisms Analysis in Tradition of Russian ReliIn Defence of the Assailants: The Origins and the Essence of Totalitarianisms Analysis in Tradition of Rusgious Philosophy of the Silver Age

This article examines the basic reference and access of Russian religious philosophy to importance of research into intrapersonal processes of the person spiritual degradation and the reason of the opportunity of totalitarianisms becoming. But more and more often weve got to hear about degradation of the society in modern interpretation of the problem. We understand this tendency as incorrect because such wide and superficial consideration of the problem is fraught with mistakes in prognoses and ascertainment of the totalitarianism.

Nondenominational Religiosity of the Russians: the Results of Questionnaires, Surveys, Interviews and Monitoring of Runet

The article is devoted to the analysis and theoretical understanding of the results of the second, practical stage of the study of the Russians’ nondenominational religiosity. Written surveys, questionnaires, interviews, monitoring of Runet have confirmed a part of our hypotheses, have refuted some of them, have made adjustments to the rest and have raised a number of new scientific issues.