
Freedom and Responsibility in the Context of Consciousness Evolution: Synergetic Analysis

The main subject of the article includes the characteristics of the evolution of consciousness and culture in general from the standpoint of the synergetic philosophy of history exploring the evolution of complex socio-cultural systems, the processes of selforganization at the phenomena level (non-equilibrium, bifurcation) and at the level of essence (selection, super-selection).

Human Сonsciousness and Mind-Body Problem

In page the opportunity of the decision of a mind-body problem from positions of the "antinaturalistic" concept of consciousness is considered. From the given concept, not only the consciousness exists in the World, but also the World as the whole - exists inside of consciousness. The concept of "Absolute" - "Universum of possible experience" is entered. Empirical "stlf" - is result of self-restriction of Absolute. The physical reality is thought as the system of restrictions generating empirical self.

Ontological Incompleteness of the Human Being and the Theory of Consciousness

The article is devoted to the problem of incompleteness in a human life. Incompleteness is considered to be a chronical lack of something within the boundaries of self-identification. The concept of ontological incompleteness as a non-predeterminance of a
human being up to the wholeness is introduced. The understanding of incompleteness is explicated with the help of the theory of consciousness. Consciousness is represented as the several levels of psychic processes.

Conceptions of Duration as Basis of the Neoanimistical Ontologies

The article devoted to problem of distinction of «animated» and
«inanimate» categories. The problem is examined in a context of
ontological conception of the stream of time (the Bergson’s idea
of the duration and Deleuze’s conception of «synthesis of time»).
It comes to the conclusion about presence of great number of
levels, intensities in the degree of animated, and also about the
great number of rudiments of the soul as a forms of the synthesis
of time.

Parameters of Destraction in Youth’s Socialization: Aspects of Methodology

In the article the methodological resource of the activity-related approach to define parameters of destructive pattern in the process of socialization of youth’s is investigated. The author demonstrates that use of this methodological resource focuses on process of search of
destructive behavior factors in areas of social livelihood and person’s conscious. Based on the performed study, the author specifies the level of the interaction of the destructive behavior parameters in information and communication fields as well as the cognitive structures.

Archetype and the Sense of Culture

This article is dedicated to studying of the correlation of archetype and sense from the point of view of philosophy. The main idea of this article: archetypes can be the psychological basis for the generation of the culture as phenomenon.

Consciousness and Quantum Reality

The original approach to the decision of a mind-body problem which basis on philosophically rethought of H. Everetts «multiworld» interpretation of quantum mechanics and also M. Mensky's idea about identity of consciousness with process of selection of quantum alternatives is offered. The explanation of visible psychophysical interaction and processes of a reduction of wave function in the quantum mechanics is offered.


The Question of Definition of Conception «Transformed conditions of consciousness

It makes an attempt to define the conception «Transformed conditions  of  consciousness?»  and  «Is  the  consciousness  cognized?». It gives proof of the fact that consciousness is a form of interaction of person with society. In its turn transformed conditions of consciousness is a consciousness of such interaction. It emphasizes that depersonalizations and alienation are come out as a factor of transformed conditions of consciousness.


В статье рассматриваются следствия принятия тезиса о воз-
можности  существования  «философских  зомби»  (ф-зомби)  в 
контексте  различных  подходов  к  решению  психофизической 
проблемы.  Показано,  что  само  допущение  возможности  су-
ществования  ф-зомби  (существа,  физически  идентичного 
человеку,  но  не  обладающего  сознательным  опытом)  дела-
ет  невозможным  обоснование  в  рамках  натуралистической 
парадигмы  какой-либо  формы  сущностной  связи  функции  и 
феноменологии  сознания.  Данную  проблему  можно  решить, 


ставлений о времени философов-постмодернистов. Показано, 
что  в  философском  постмодернизме  не  существует  единых 
представлений о времени, так как сама философия постмодер-
низма не представляет собой единую целостную совокупность 
взглядов. Строится краткая ретроспектива философских пред-
ставлений  о  времени  (Ж.  Дёлез,  Ж.  Деррида).  Показывается, 
что  время  в  философском  постмодернизме  всегда  мыслится 
свойством сознания: оно не разворачивается в реальности, а 
лишь постигается опосредованно через знак, различие, тради-
