Neurohistoricism as an imitative reality: Special features of the formation of visual images of Russian cities using neural networks

Introduction. In the media reality, there is no reflection of the subject about the causes of the emergence of media objects. The media offer a fait accompli. In response, a person uses a unique property of his consciousness - the ability to build a consistent picture of the world from disparate elements, overcoming the discreteness of technologies. Theoretical analysis. Neural networks are trying to turn a person into a passive consumer of an already assembled picture of the world.

The Eternal Recurrence of the Text: from Nietzsche to Post-structuralism

The article is devoted to influence of F. Nietzsche’s concept of history of philosophy on corresponding practice of poststructuralists like R. Bartes, J. Derrida, G. Deleuze in the history of philosophy field. The conceptual basis of the specified influence is shown through the significant for F. Nietzsche doctrine about Eternal Recurrence. However, the article discovers the aspect from a heritage of F. Nietzsche’s thought in the history of philosophy that missed by the postmodernists. It is the personal influence aspect.

Problems and Concepts of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science: the Phenomenon of Contextuality

This article refers to the analysis of a ratio of science and culture in the context of the new European philosophy. Science as a sociocultural phenomenon always had a special place in culture. Rapid development of science within the last two centuries naturally forces philosophy to look for new approaches to understanding of the nature of scientific knowledge and scientific activity.

Umberto Eco’s Scriptorium: Sign and Signification

In this article the notion of the Eco's scriptorium through the theoretical and art comprehension of the semiotic systems is explicated. Author assumed that in the Eco's concept, the phenomenon of the scriptorium correlates with the one of the labyrinth which are related
to three levels of discourse. The concept of the scriptorium is distinguished by a creative and culturally constructive potential of the system which opposes the spatial, textual and ontological levels of the labyrinth structure.