
Typological analysis of a personality’s sociocultural orientation among the representatives of various age groups

The introduction focuses on the role of sociocultural determination, mechanisms of cultural transmission and social inheritance in the development of human psyche and personality. The theoretical part considers psychological types of a personality’s sociocultural orientation that were theoretically deduced through the analysis of a subject’s attitude to traditions and innovations, in-group and out-group culture.

The Phenomenon of the «Creative Class» in the Social Space

Article discusses the phenomenon of the «creative class», which formation leads to a transformation in the structure of society. Representatives of the new class are considered from the social,  economic, personal and professional positions. Modern concept of creativity plays different from the traditional form of thinking. This makes it possible to increase the level of innovation development of society. Compares traditional and creative types of communities are considered their positive and negative features. Creative class is analyzed in the field of domestic social space.


Статья посвящена анализу основных характеристик и взаимосвязей народной культуры. В условиях возрастания социальных и культурных рисков, активного продвижения электронно-компьютерной  культуры нарушается  связь  между  поколениями, ослабевает национальная и культурная идентичность человека. Народная культура обладает следующими основными характеристиками:  неоднородностью  и  открытостью,  динамизмом  и синкретизмом, стабильностью и диалогизмом, взаимосвязью и дополнительностью.