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Gogol S. S. Specifics of student youth’s social perception about readiness, competence and self-efficacy. Izvestiya of Saratov University. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 3, pp. 309-315. DOI:

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Specifics of student youth’s social perception about readiness, competence and self-efficacy

Introduction. Global transformations require an individual to be ready for change, the ability to make decisions in a situation of uncertainty. Theoretical analysis. A comparative analysis allows us to conclude that, depending on the context, readiness is understood differently. Psychological readiness is associated with the presence of knowledge, skills, and is considered as a certain level of activity of the individual, a special emotional-volitional state, the ability to mobilize before the start of activity. There is some overlap between the meanings of the concepts “readiness”, “competence” and “self-efficacy”. Empirical analysis. The study revealed that the concepts of “readiness” and “competence” contains such components as “confidence” and “preparedness”, and readiness and self-efficacy have common components “confidence”, “preparedness”, “goal”. Conclusion. The study made it possible to expand the concept of readiness as a special state, determined by decisiveness, determination, confidence, firmness, concentration and calmness, including strong-willed qualities and the ability to mobilize internal resources to solve a problem or achieve a goal.

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