
Genesis of the problem formation of digital intercultural competence in the period from the 1970s until the early 2000s

The analysis of works on the problems of vocational education pedagogy made it possible to highlight the crisis points in its development, associated, first of all, with the inconsistency of the educational results content with the requirements of employers and the priorities of state policy in the field of digitalization and innovation. The system of forming employees' key competencies has become one of the priority conditions for the creation and effective functioning of the Russian state innovative economy.

The Rational Activity of a Modern Personality and the Meaning of Its “Rationality”

The article is devoted to the analysis of understanding of the meaning of “rationality” of the rational activity by a modern person. According to the author, the achievement of the goal is impossible without solving the problem of studying the epistemological foundations of post-non-classical rationality which dominates the system of civilizational values, since the basis of the meaning of “rationality” always has a certain type of rationality. At the same time, the author pays special attention to such tools of cognitive activity of a person as information and knowledge.

Toposes of Modern Society: the Reflection of the Ways of Informatization

The target programme of the author’s approach presented in the article includes the study of the methodological functions of concepts-toposes capable of uncovering the essence of changes in the life space of a society, changes caused by the increasing influence of the Internet. The main stages of the informatization of the modern society are presented in the article by toposes of late industrialism and information toposes of post-industrialism which have emerged in the “post” era.

Media Space: Socio-Philosophical Analysis

The purpose of this article is to analyze various approaches to studying the problems of media space in modern society, as well as the definition of clear common characteristics attributed to media space in various theories of media in social philosophy. In the search for a universal definition of the phenomenon of media space, the author considers the socio-philosophical category of media space, understood as a special kind of reality, which includes the basic components of the socialization of modern man in the framework of not only social institutions, but also culture as a whole.

Parameters of Destraction in Youth’s Socialization: Aspects of Methodology

In the article the methodological resource of the activity-related approach to define parameters of destructive pattern in the process of socialization of youth’s is investigated. The author demonstrates that use of this methodological resource focuses on process of search of
destructive behavior factors in areas of social livelihood and person’s conscious. Based on the performed study, the author specifies the level of the interaction of the destructive behavior parameters in information and communication fields as well as the cognitive structures.

The Definition of "Information Space" in Modern Social Philosophy

One of dangerous contradictions of an information epoch consists that, forming information space and providing its existence and development, the person simultaneously realizes that its biological existence is put in dependence on a level of development and speed of transformation of the information space playing an escalating role in a life of a modern society.

The Peculiarities of Oculomotor Reactions of a Person Telling False or True Information

This article contains results of research of oculogyrations patterns, a quantity of winking and papillary diameter of person telling false or true information by computer-based video oculographer.

Knowledge as a Strategic Resource: the Methodological Foundations of Research

The article considers knowledge and information from the point of view of influence on human life, the role of knowledge in the modern world. Various approaches of understanding knowledge and information, differentiation of concepts of information society and knowledge society are considered. It is suggested that pseudo-knowledge is a stepping stone to the emergence of fundamental knowledge and is part of its development. Man in the modern era receives a huge amount of information, which leads him to “information shock”.

The Media in the Network Society: Outlines of a New Ruling Elite

The article is devoted to the development of media technologies and their media and their role in the creation, the functioning of modern society and the implementation of process management. The processes of communication, have taken on social significance, along with the information, allow to speak about modern society not as information, but as a network, meaning that this concept is wider.

Peculiarities of the Functioning of Sets on the Example of Perception of the Information in Modern Mass Media

The article discusses the peculiarities of the perception of the information presented in the modern Russian electronic mass media. The data were collected through the interviews with 503 students of economic universities of Saratov and Moscow in the time period from 2011 to 2013. The survey maintains that for a younger audience (aged between 17 and 24 years) the information obtained from the Internet resources is the main source of information; along with that, the level of confidence in this information is constantly decreasing.
