
Risks of interaction between secular and religious cultures in the digital age

Introduction. It is determined that the description of the vectors of transformation of the boundaries of the secular and religious in the modern digital environment requires the need to track the anthropological origins of the issue. It is indicated that in the process of transition from secular to post-secular culture, not just the values and needs of people were transformed, but a new format of anthropological reality appeared. Theoretical analysis.

The genesis of the risk phenomenon: Research narratives

Introduction. The article considers the multidimensional research of the phenomenon of risk and the associated categories both of riskgenerating situations and safety from the standpoint of social riskology. Theoretical analysis. The economic researches of the risk phenomenon are widespread. They are considered by most authors as a consequence of the market mechanism. The dynamism of modern society has actualized the systematic approach to the analysis of the society`s risk potential from the social philosophic point.

Perspective Study Fundamentalism in Social Philosophy and Species Group Features

The article is devoted to the specifics of the study of fundamentalism in social philosophy. Particular attention is given to the demarcation of religious communities in social philosophy with respect to this problem of definition of fundamentalism. To describe the dynamics of change - extremely ductile phenomenon – religious fundamentalism – requires selection of species traits groups. Comparative analysis leads us to the effect of «new religions» or «religion of the New Age». Fundamentalist groups have similarities to the «Religion» New Age.

Risk and Safety in a Modern Social and Philosophical Discourse: Valuable Aspect

In article the problem of a ratio of risk and safety in daily existence and consciousness of the modern person is considered. From positions of valuable approach the author reveals interrelation of these categories, and also defines preconditions of updating of a perspective of safety in a modern discourse social and the humanities. Within the accepted approach safety types in traditional, modernist and post-modernist society are considered.

Changes of changes: Sociality and the lack of protection

 Despite the fact that social changes are often proclaimed as a combination of positive development prospects, in practice they will not necessarily lead to positive results for everyone and in general. The sociological, ontological and cultural essence of modern changes in the mode of unreliability and redundancy of security systems is revealed. The horizon of understanding the problem in the mode of transition to a new technological order, which requires individual adaptation of people to a risk-generating environment, to a society without guarantees, is proposed.

Risks of religious socialization in a post-secular society

The article presents the search for effective steps to minimize interfaith tension. The authors reveal the essence of traditional introduction to religion in the modern information environment. Digital technologies, on the one hand, expand the horizons of the possible, but on the other hand, the personality breaks away from natural communication, and as a result, the internal system of spiritual landmarks is disturbed. And then the human sensible world easily switches to another type of communication due to his or her natural need for sympathy and care – to virtual communication.

Value Factors of Risk Propensity in Military University Cadets at Different Stages of Military-Professional Socialization

The study of the role of values through the prism of the problem of risk and risky behavior in the process of military-professional socialization of cadets is an interesting and important task of social psychology. Adherence to certain basic universal values, the formation of a willingness to take risks for them, or vice versa, their rejection, significantly affect the successful performance of service activities of military personnel, and therefore on society and the state as a whole.

Risk-generating Aspect of Education and Sociocultural Potential of the Society in the Context of Digitalization

The object of the authors’ research is the modern society, in which digitalization initiates the endless change of situations derived from the development of the information technology environment. Digitalization is transforming systemic social processes, local practices, and such a strategically important area as education, which is most sensitive to a state of uncertainty. Since uncertainty causes existential risks, the need for an anthropological approach to the analysis of everyday life arises in the study of the risk-generating aspect of education.

Social Memory in the Life Space of Socium

The article discusses modern problems of inheritance and perception of the past from the standpoint of the categorical apparatus of social philosophy. The conceptual bases of the analysis are connected with the comprehension of the heuristic possibilities of the concepts “social space”, “living space”. When analyzing the ontology of social space, three types of spatial relationships should be considered: institutional, spatial-stratification and civilizational. Virtually and spiritually mastered by people, the natural and social space becomes the life space of the society.

The Conceptual Bases of the Communication Conflict

In article we present the specifics of the communication conflict and virtual person in the modern global space. In this context, concluded that it is necessary social-philosophical understanding of this phenomenon, especially since the problem of communication is connected with the disclosure of the identity of the person, their valuable installations. 
