The Problem of Studying Self-Determination of Personality in the Domestic Psychological Science

The article presents the analysis of the current domestic research of the problem of self-determination of personality. It is shown that the peculiarities of the domestic concept of self-determination is the synthesis of foreign experience and our own developments in the field of motivation, self-regulation and subjectivity. In domestic studies it is shown that adolescence is sensitive in the development of self-determination, but there are not enough studies of its ontogenetic features, revealing basic conditions, mechanisms and prerequisites of development.

Features of Professional Intentions of Students-Psychologists at Early Stages Professionalization

In the article results of empirical research of features of professional intentions of students-psychologists are discussed, the problem of the attitude of students to the professional work is considered. Motives of training of students are analyzed, dynamics of their professional intentions comes to light and studied. The questions, concerning specificities of representations of the future experts on the selected trade are considered. 

Heuristic Sense of the National Idea in the Long Term of Self-Determination of Russia

This article analyzes the Russian national idea in the context of contemporary realities, where new content join to the national idea. It is emphasized that the national idea is a process of self-realization of the nation as a subject in historical process through the formation of «we-identity». It argues that the national idea has heuristic sense, not only in the perspective of self-determination in Russia, but also a world-historical significance.

Interrelation of Values and Characteristics of Self-Determination of Students Capital and Provincial High School

In this article discuss results of empirical research of interrelation values and characteristics of self-determination. It is shown similarity and distinction of valuable, interrelation of values and availability of students capital and provincial high school. Presents results of factorial (bifactorial decision) analysis of mind values system of high school students.