
Reconstruction of the temporal foundations of everyday thinking in phenomenological sociology of A. Schütz

Introduction.The article is aimed at identifying the problematic place of temporal foundations of everyday life, formulated in the framework of phenomenological sociology. The concept of everyday life outlined by A. Schütz is based on the conceptual provisions of E. Husserl’s philosophy about the inner consciousness of time and A. Bergson, who distinguished the refl exive self and the vital unity of conscious processes.

Temporal Modi of Social Identity

The article is devoted to the analysis of temporal characteristics
of social identity. It is emphasized that the recognition of time of
personal existence by an individual is the most important condition
of understanding of the identity and the means of its structuring.
The person’s choice of a certain temporal vector is determined by
sociocultural factors. It shows the system of values and the type of
behavior in society and after all the specificity of a certain cultural model.

Time Factor in the Educational Process of a Physical Training Teacher

The article views the problems of education of teachers of physical training, which deal with mastering of time planning peculiarities, characterizing sport pedagogue activity. The competent relevance of time usage is stressed for not only training of sport movements and acquiring the study sport material, but also for demonstrating these sport movements during the pedagogical practice of students. The proper using of time is a significant part of professional training that has determinative influence on the results of any activity.


Phenomenology of Multilayered Perception: Infrapersonal and Ultrapersonal

In article the reality in which there is no «present» in every sense of this word is investigated: and in direct and figurative; in literal and metaphorical; in physical and metaphysical. The time doesn’t pass from the past to the present and the future, but makes jumps from the past in the future and from the future in the past, jumping over the present. It follows from this that there is a gradation of ways to be, always advancing our being. Also there is a gradation of ways to be, always late in relation to our being.


Статья представляет собой метафизическое исследование выде-
ления причинных отношений из простой длительности времени. 
Причина,  вызывающая  отличное  от  нее  следствие  (действие), 
сама  требует  предварительных  условий,  как  логических,  так  и 
онтологических, и эти условия лучше  всего описываются бла-
годаря сопоставлению философских принципов  Канта и не ме-
нее философских примеров Даниила Хармса. Рассматривается 
«эффект Шустерлинга», предшествующий любой каузальности. 


Статья  посвящена  осмыслению  феноменологического  понима-
ния времени как антропогенетической категории. Показывается, 
что  субъективное  время  не  изменяет  формы  опыта  человека. 
Феноменологическая  структура  времени  идентифицирует  че-
ловеческое бытие, сохраняя его целостность. Время сохраняет 
форму изначальности и ее основных структур, интенций воспри-
ятия, памяти, мышления. Указывается на абсолютную синтетич-
ность формы времени, позволяющую говорить об ее отсутствии.