
Denial of motherhood as the ideological basis of the androcentric tradition

Introduction. Androcentrism as an initial ideological attitude largely determines both the content of classical philosophical texts and the approaches of researchers to their interpretation. Theoretical analysis. It is noteworthy that androcentrism of "West" and "East" rests on the same ideological postulates. Their identifi cation is the purpose of this work.

Ways to ensure the mental security of students of universities of the Ministry of Internal Aff airs system of Russia in the conditions of conducting hybrid wars

The article analyzes the social determinants and manifestations of mental security challenges, which are inevitably refl ected in the minds of young people studying at the universities of the Ministry of Internal Aff airs system of Russia. Introduction. The purpose of the article is to consider the process of formation of sustainable worldview principles among students of higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Aff airs through the prism of the theory of generations.

Features of the social determination of mass diseases in the risk society

Introduction. The subject of the study is the social determinants of mass diseases of non-infectious origin and the traumatic nature of social changes taking place in modern society. The purpose of the article is to identify the consequences of the negative impact on the health of the population of such factors as informatization, cyber dependence, consumer attitude to nature, a high level of social mobility, the transformation of a person into an object of total control, carried out, among other things, for his safety, etc. Theoretical analysis.

Existential modes and their role in the modern perception of death

Introduction. The perception of death is inextricably linked with subjective experience, the feeling of the inevitability of this phenomenon. Theoretical analysis. Existential modes, such as fright, despair, fear, anxiety, actively studied in the corresponding philosophical trend, are the main aspects that determine this or that view on death in the context of personal experience of the phenomenon of the fi niteness of human existence.

Storytelling and decentralization of identity in the digital environment

This article is devoted to the consideration of such a sphere of modern reality as the representation of a person in the digital environment through the statement. The study analyzes the process, mechanisms and ways of representation through storytelling. The historical aspect appears as an integral part of the exposure of the individual's attitude to the inner and surrounding reality, which is transmitted not only in the form of a refl exive monologue, but also in the form of an installation, an opinion, and a look.

S. L. Frank: The dialectic of sobornost

The concept of sobornost in the philosophy of S.L. Frank is considered on the basis of a dialectical approach. Sobornost is revealed in the “dialectic of inseparable-unmerged” bi-unity, the divine-humanity of a man in social reality from abstract forms to its concrete expression, each stage reached qualitatively or categorically changes our being, making up for our potentiality with partial relevance.

Chronohacking: Between a thought experiment and deviations of digital solutions

The article deals with the phenomenon of chronohacking, hacking of time in different modes of digital temporality. The author considers chronohacking as a result of the expansion of biohacking practices of civil science into neuroscience. Methodological basis of the study is the STS paradigm, the working approach is the Laturnian actor-network theory, which allows to fi x a variety of networks of actors formed due to various ways of measuring time.

The role of consciousness in evolutionary history: An epiphenomenon or a decisive adaptive factor in natural selection

The article is devoted to the analysis of the opinion widespread in the scientifi c community about the decisive adaptive role of consciousness in the process of natural selection. Hypotheses about the functions of consciousness as a central element of the information processing mechanism and the development of a control eff ect on the behavior of the organism are considered.

The figure of Aristotle in the domestic intellectual atmosphere of the 19th century

A researcher dealing with the topic of the presence of Aristotle’s philosophy in the modern Russian space of the humanities is faced with the task of comprehending the origins of the attitude towards Aristotle in the history of Russian science. Aristotle in Russia, unlike Europe, is represented in a rather limited way, and even where he is present, modern Russian philosophy uses a rather narrow layer of thought from his heritage.

Secular and religious aspects of modern culture: A socio-philosophical and theological analysis

In the presented study, the relationship between the Church and the culture of the peoples being nourished is examined from the standpoint of theological and socio-philosophical analysis. It is revealed that the centuries-old mutual infl uence of church and national-cultural traditions has led to the fact that the understanding of the national culture by its bearer is impossible without referring to the Christian faith as the basis of this culture.
