
Sofia as an Image of Eternal Feminine in the Philosophy of V. S. Solovyov

The paper understands the image of Sophia as the eternal feminine in the concept of V. S. Solovyov, analyzes the preconditions for emergence of the image, and also examines the role of femininity in the context of development of Russian religious philosophy. Sophia can exist in two main forms, the created and the uncreated that makes the key issue in analysis of Solovyov’s philosophical views the understanding that both forms of Sofia are relevant only to the world, separated from God.

Post-Eventuality and the Subject of Absence in the Objective Phenomenology of Alain Badiou

The article considers the ontological significance of the objective phenomenology of Alain Badiou, as it is presented in his works «Logic of worlds» and «Second manifesto for philosophy». The author compares Badiou’s phenomenology with the phenomenological projects of Husserl and Heidegger, noting its subject less character.

The Relation of Body and Mind – a Fundamental Issue concerning Human Identity

The actual debate on human identity is dominated by a one-sided definition of person: It focuses on rationality, language and consciousness of time, in brief on self-consciousness. The relevance of the body is constrained to its physiological functions. Yet as lived body it is also an expression of the inner life, of feelings, emotions and mental acts. As expression of the variety of intentional acts the relation of body and mind can be defined as a symbolic relation, as Ernst Cassirer, an important representative of neo-Kantianism, argues.

The Analog and the Digital as the Types of Construction and Destruction of Being

The analog type of thinking reality takes the form as initial point of reflection. The digital type takes as initial points of reflection the formula and the code. Example of analog type of reflection is thinking of antiquity. In antique science starting point of reflection is a form, and the formula is always based on the form. Example of digital type of reflection is Western science. It turns over the relationship between the form and the formula. The form here is understood on basis of the formula. Let’s question: does the cognitive capabilities of analog type reflection are exhausted?

Perspective Study Fundamentalism in Social Philosophy and Species Group Features

The article is devoted to the specifics of the study of fundamentalism in social philosophy. Particular attention is given to the demarcation of religious communities in social philosophy with respect to this problem of definition of fundamentalism. To describe the dynamics of change - extremely ductile phenomenon – religious fundamentalism – requires selection of species traits groups. Comparative analysis leads us to the effect of «new religions» or «religion of the New Age». Fundamentalist groups have similarities to the «Religion» New Age.

Problem of a Priori and the Humanities in L.Binswanger’s Existential Psychoanalysis

The article is devoted to consideration of the anthropological project of L. Binswanger. According to his conception before addressing to the research of pathology of any given individual, it is necessary to understand what it means to be the person. And, it follows that the psychiatry gets into a field of the human sciences. Binswanger makes an attempt to transfer the fundamental ontology of Heidegger on the field of psychoanalytic practice, aspiring to overcome the subject – objective opposition and to investigate perceptual existence of the person in the world.

The Transformation of Concepts about Space and Time in the Classical Philosophy and Science

The aim of this work is to determine the features of the development of concepts of space and time in philosophy and science that could in the future perspective reveal the principles of transformation of the philosophical categories in the categories of science. In the article is analyzed the content of the categories of space and time in the classical philosophy and science. The author considers the basic ontological concepts of the Renaissance and Early modern period, compares and analyzes the characteristics of the models of space and time.

The Phenomenon of Forgetting and the Dialogue of Cultures in the Globalizing Society: the Russian Experience

The article is devoted to phenomenon of forgetting as an integral element of dialogue of cultures in the being globalized world. It is possible to allocate not only ways of preservation of historical memory, but also types of forgetting in a context of sharp social transformations of society. A specific of historical amnesia in the conditions of modern Russian society consists in an attempt to correlate phenomena of live, communicative memory to essentially other political symbolics.

Language, Intersubjectivity, Reflection: Peculiarities of K.-O. Apel’s «Linguistic Paradigm»

The article reveals the peculiarities of «linguistic paradigm» by K.-O. Apel, who has reconstructed historico-humanistic tradition in German philosophy of the language and hermeneutics. The philosopher created his original conception by transforming Kant’s transcendental philosophy seeking the answer to the question about the creation of the conditions for the possible sensible argumentation in modern society, which could be based on language, communication and ethics of joint responsibility.

Modernization of the Post-Soviet Russia: from the Democratic Transition Period to Innovative Development

The article author examines the country’s post-Soviet (post-1991) development stages in terms of its both political and economic modernization. The author notes that at the first stage of reforms, the Russian government used a reflected scenario when implementing the reforms while copying the Western development scenario for the most part. Eventually, the government has managed to build an imperfect political and economic model which was rejected by the broad public. In the end, under Putin, it led to the change in the modernization vector.
