
From humanism to post-humanism: Transformation of ideas of a man in philosophical thought

Introduction. The article is devoted to the analysis of ideas about a human in modern philosophical movements of transhumanism and posthumanism. Once the highest value and the king of nature, the man-creator and the ruler of the world has turned into a many-sided and sexless creature that has lost passionarity and claims to leadership. Theoretical analysis.

The Bible in the religious and philosophical works of N. S. Arseniev: Mystical experience

The article traces the formation of the mystical experience of Nikolai Sergeevich Arseniev (1888–1977) on the basis of the memoir book “Gifts and Encounters of the Life Path” (1974), and the stages of his consideration of biblical studies. The analysis of Arseniev’s exegetical work “The Religious Experience of the Apostle Paul” (1935) is proposed. He was one of the Russian thinkers in whose writings the Holy Scripture occupied a central place, and almost all of his religious ideas grew out of New Testament books, and biblical concepts.

Buddhist ethics in the context of western normative ethical theories: Deontology

Introduction. Сomparative studies conducted within the young discipline of Buddhist ethics have taken shape around the controversy between those researchers who see the consequentialist character of moral motivation in it and those who defend the similarity between Buddhist ethics and virtue ethics. Despite the fact that such major scholars as Damien Keown or Charles Goodman do not attach much importance to deontological features in Buddhist ethics, there is a small camp of researchers who defend the similarity between Buddhist teaching and deontology.

Walking as a way to fight fatigue: A philosophical aspect

Introduction. The article deals with the problem of walking in the digital age context. It is one of the forms of social activity that lets us keep our mind and body on toes – walking, and it is not high on the public agenda anymore. Theoretical analysis. The analysis of the works of P. Handke, B. Vigarello etc. helps to suggest that every day individual completes a series of tasks being distracted by social media and doing some other minor things.

Сonceptualization of chaos in WEB 2.0 and the chaotic subject of the Web

Introduction. The article considers the theme of chaos, traditional for philosophy, in the perspective of materiality and spatiality, associated with manifestations of WEB 2.0: the stages of development of the global Web, where interactive content and content from the network users themselves prevail. Theoretical analysis. Here, an attempt is made to comprehend the question of chaos, using methods and models adequate for the digital sphere, as well as thematizing the concept of cyberchaos in order to answer the question of its relevance for modern Internet research.

The war and the crisis of the global pseudo-liberal civilizational project

Introduction. War in the nuclear age regardless on the options of limited or local nuclear military conflict represents the apogee of the global crisis of humanity. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the article is to identify the signs and prerequisites of the crisis of the global liberal civilizational project. The novelty of the research is manifested in the author's argumentation of the relationship of the philosophy of the war of western rationalism with pseudo-liberal modeling of modern civilizational dynamics.

From the subject to the agent in social and humanitarian discourses of the 21st century

Introduction. The article is focused on the problem of tuning research optics in the directions of vision and understanding a subject, society and the whole world. Since the Age of Enlightenment, the idea of subjectivity has been the foundation for such optics. In the 21st century the place of the subject is claimed by multiple agents that do not have a human nature. Theoretical analysis. In addition to nature as such and the organisms inhabiting it, the role of agents today is being played by instruments and technologies, including digital technologies.

Risks of interaction between secular and religious cultures in the digital age

Introduction. It is determined that the description of the vectors of transformation of the boundaries of the secular and religious in the modern digital environment requires the need to track the anthropological origins of the issue. It is indicated that in the process of transition from secular to post-secular culture, not just the values and needs of people were transformed, but a new format of anthropological reality appeared. Theoretical analysis.

The role of memory in the social recognition mechanism

Introduction. This article examines the role of memory in communication between people, as well as in such a process as recognition. No communication is feasible without the primary recognition of one subject by the other. Recognition is a way of holding a subject in memory through the connection of the less significant with the more significant. Accordingly, recognition becomes social not when it has occurred, but after it has been fixed. Theoretical analysis.

The genesis of the risk phenomenon: Research narratives

Introduction. The article considers the multidimensional research of the phenomenon of risk and the associated categories both of riskgenerating situations and safety from the standpoint of social riskology. Theoretical analysis. The economic researches of the risk phenomenon are widespread. They are considered by most authors as a consequence of the market mechanism. The dynamism of modern society has actualized the systematic approach to the analysis of the society`s risk potential from the social philosophic point.
