
Recent theories of secularization and perspectives of secular-religious dialogue

Introduction. The article examines the current philosophical debates about the relationship between secular and religious worldviews. The article outlines recent forms of postsecularization as the continued existence of religious communities in a continually secularizing environment, identifying its main dimensions: the deinstitutionalization of the religious lifestyle, the individualization of faith, and the development of new social forms in the religious fi eld. Theoretical analysis.

"Philosophical faith” and mystical experience: Convergence and divergence

Introduction. The common version that mystical experience reveals the deep unity of religious traditions, hiding behind the external facade of their diff erences, seems controversial. Theoretical analysis. It is justifi ed that the similarity between diff erent traditions of mysticism does not express the quintessence of religiosity, as such, but onlyconvergence in a certain phase of the evolution of religions. Mysticism is compared with the entry of religion into the phenomenological phase of development.

Quo vadis, Homo spiritualis?

Introduction. Where are you going, spiritual man? – humanity has been facing this question since antiquity, when Christian culture was an alternative to sacred teachings. Modern society in recent “pandemic” years, against the background of a stable state of traditional religiosity, has shown an explosive interest in esotericism. Theoretical analysis.

Madness in the discourse of the “Other” in the contemporary philosophy

Introduction. This paper considers madness as a metahistorical category of culture as well as an excluded language in Western European culture that exists despite the language code. To determine the status of madness in the contemporary philosophy the author analyses the way it functions in the discourse of “the other”. Theoretical analysis.

The agency of digital platforms: A value-based approach

Introduction. A lack of current approaches to the study of digital platforms is ignoring the internal logic of their functioning, which determines their social agency, as well as the value foundations of this agency. The aim of this work is a socio-philosophical analysis of the agency of digital platforms through the lens of the value approach. Theoretical analysis.

Information and communication technologies in the context of modern development of society

Introduction. Constant use of technical devices in everyday life increases the risks of occurrence and realization of communication strategies of behavior that have a negative impact on human relations with the outside world, and it affects the ability to perceive information, the formation of interpersonal communication skills, and the ability of conflict-free interaction in offline format.

Urbanized sociality: The culture of control in the mode of mediatization

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the phenomenon of the culture of control in conditions of mediatization – an integral part of the modern social world of the city. The specificity of the view on the problem lies in the departure from the functional technicality of positivist research into the field of ontological and social reflection, expanding the analytical range of revealing the meaning.

The anthropological nature of M. M. Bakhtin’s chronotope

Introduction. The relevance of the topic is substantiated and the purpose of the study is formulated. Theoretical analysis. An anthropological interpretation of M. M. Bakhtin’s chronotope is proposed. The unity of the chronotope is maintained by the dynamically nonequilibrium ratio of time and space. Chronotope expands the idea of an event and a place. The simultaneous presence of a person in a chronotope and a chronotope in a person is organic and inseparable.

The role of metanoia in the formation of theological worldview

Introduction. In connection with the acquisition of the status of science by theology, the question arises how to update the internal sources of motivation of the theologian-researcher for scientific activity. One of the motivating factors is the consideration of research activities as a special kind of worship, which consists in an inner aspiration to know the God by approaching the comprehension of ultimate meanings. In this case, research activity is regarded as sacred, which undoubtedly gives the theologian a special impetus to action. Theoretical analysis.

Determinism and the problem of actual future

Introduction. This article raises the question of the role of determinism in the formation of the Thin Red Line hypothesis. This hypothesis is one of the few branches of logic which address the problems of determinism and actual future. The author considers how certain logical and philosophical preconditions led to the formation of the Thin Red Line hypothesis as a compatibilist view, according to which in the presence of an open branched future that provides indeterminism, one can argue that the future is in some way directed toward actual history. Theoretical analysis.
