
The ontological beginning of fantasy

Introduction. The article presents the ontological aspect of fantasy as a form of scientific knowledge. The concept of the role of normative scientific and cognitive structures and creative cognitive potential, which has ontological roots, in scientific knowledge is being developed. The study is conducted using works on the history and philosophy of science. The focus is on factors that are immanent to science and external to it, capable of not only influencing scientific activity, but also leading to a change in the types of rationality. Theoretical analysis.

Skepticism: Historical and logical forms and perspectives

Introduction. The permanent relevance of skepticism is due to its ancestral connection with philosophy. The problematic nature of the definition of «skepticism» in the conditions of post-non-classical ambiguity of modern social development determines the immediate relevance of the analysis of skepticism. The complexity and novelty of the goal determine the choice of the historical and logical method of research and the emphasis on its logical component. Theoretical analysis.

V. I. Zasulich about the philosophy of F. Nietzsche

Introduction. The article is devoted to the work of a Russian revolutionary, writer and Marxist theorist V. I. Zasulich. The subject of consideration is the historical and philosophical views of the thinker, which are analyzed on the basis of her work on modern idealism and one of its brightest representatives – F. Nietzsche. The purpose of the work is to analyze V. I. Zasulich’s ideas about the philosophy of F. Nietzsche. Theoretical analysis. The works of V. I.

Dynamics of ideas about the process of secularization in socio-philosophical discourse

Introduction. The article analyzes the process of secularization of Western European society as a source of world secularism from the point of view of a Russian modern philosopher Grigory Borisovich Gutner and a Canadian philosopher, cultural historian Charles Margrave Taylor. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of this article, first of all, is not only the analysis of secularism as such, but also an attempt to understand the ways out of its coordinate system, which has driven itself into its own trap.

The dialectics of antagonism: The critique of G. W. F. Hegel’s philosophy in R. Girard’s mimetic concept

Introduction. In this article, the author examines the mimetic concept of R. Girard in the context of the correspondence polemic with the philosophy of Hegel, in the interpretation of A. Kojeve. Theoretical analysis. As part of the historical and philosophical research, the author identifi es the similarities and diff erences between these concepts, discovers the reception and infl uence of Hegel’s philosophy on Girard’s mimetic concept.

Socio-epistemic arenas of historical cognition

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the production of historical knowledge in the digital age. The author believes that historical science, existing in the paradigm of «Digital Humanities», has acquired a new object of cognition – collective memory, abandoning the study of the past as a non-existent reality in favor of the study of ideas about it. In the multi-channel communication process, the formation of socio-epistemic arenas brings historical knowledge and historical memory together. Theoretical analysis.

The Doctrine of V. l. Solovjev about the Christian Unity and Protestantism

Article considers the theme of church – the main theme of second period of investigation of V. S. Solovjev. It should be noted, that Solovjev appeals to necessary of unite of Christian churches, though throw the handkerchief to Catholicism. Protestantism is the least respectable religion.

Logos and Tao: from Metaphysics to Anthropology

The article compares the primary names in Logos tradition and numeric matrix of antitradition. Tao as a metaphysical and also anthropological metaphor, according to the author's opinion, belongs to primary names’ ladder. How does logocentric «Russian idea» relate to the Chinese tradition of Tao? Hermeneutic clarification of metaphysical and anthropological content of these traditions is the maintenance of the article.

Specific Character of Humanitarian Paradigm in the Study of Professional World View of Expert in the Field of Physical Culture and Sports

This article is dedicated to specific humanitarian paradigm in the study of professional ideology of expert in physical culture and sports. The forming of professional ideology of expert in physical culture and sports supposes the formation of a functional system based on values of physical activities: health, body, movement, which will be shown in all spheres of life.

A Ritual Character of Dance in the Myth as a Primary form of Being Social Memory

The article considers the phenomenon of social memory in its socio-historical formation. Social-philosophical analysis of dance as a social phenomenon of memory reveals a genetic relationship of sociality and ritual dance as an important mnemonic form of the myth.
