
Features of Psychological Attitude of Personality to Objects and Subjects of Labor as a Predictor of Emotional Burnout (Socio-Cognitive Approach)

The article presents the empirical research results of emotional burnout level and socio-psychological characteristics of the penitentiary system employees, presented in terms of job satisfaction and attitudes towards subjects and objects of professional activity in the context of a social cognitive approach.

Reflexive and Verbal Indicators of Teachers’ Burnout

The teachers’ emotional health disorders were traditionally analysed through burnout levels, correlated with individual personality or stress factors of labour, to that the inclusive component of school education is presently attributed. Ways of studying burnout in conjunction with the psycho-physiological personality traits, temperament and character are now fading into the background. The emerging research trend associates emotional burnout with violations in the moral sphere of the individual.

The Problem of Studying Self-Determination of Personality in the Domestic Psychological Science

The article presents the analysis of the current domestic research of the problem of self-determination of personality. It is shown that the peculiarities of the domestic concept of self-determination is the synthesis of foreign experience and our own developments in the field of motivation, self-regulation and subjectivity. In domestic studies it is shown that adolescence is sensitive in the development of self-determination, but there are not enough studies of its ontogenetic features, revealing basic conditions, mechanisms and prerequisites of development.

Memory of the Other or the Other Memory: the Social-Psychological Analysis of Commemorative Practices

The article represents the results of theoretical reflection of commemorative practices, directed both at simultaneous presentation of the past and its evaluated representation in the present at three levels of the analysis – societies / states, groups and persons. It is shown that at the level of the state, commemorations act as a powerful political and manipulative resource of the power allowing to operate the past, to design cultural memory of social actors, and to consolidate society on the basis of collective experiences.

Formation Stages of a Dependent Position in a Situation of Disease

The concept of the disease situation can be considered as interdisciplinary because it has both a bodily and social, objective and subjective context. The physical components of the disease form a limitation of the physical and social possibilities of the patient. In the social sense, the disease situation reflects a different degree of a loss of professional status, social roles, in particular, forming the role of a person to be cared for. The most significant mechanisms of personal transformation are the intensity of internality and the reflection of the self-determination's sphere.

Expressiveness of Self-Control Parameters of Civil Servants with Different Levels of Social Normativity

In article issues of self-control and normativity of the civil servants are discussed. Social normativity of employees is understood as development of moral and ethical regulation of behavior, sense of responsibility, conscientiousness, obligation including execution of the assigned business and aspiration to high-quality performance of instructions. Social non-normativity of the employee implies disregard for officially accepted social norms and rules of conduct or professional activity, lack of bans on violation of standards of behavior and activity.

Orthodox Christian’s Intrinsic Religious Motivation

Intrinsic religious motivation forms the basis of real religiosity as opposed to nominal religiosity which makes persons identify themselves with the definite confession, but it does not follow any religious practices. While studying Orthodox Christians’ intrinsic motivation we have used the Questionnaire made by I. Stojkovic and J. Miric, which consists of 50 respondents.

Subjective Judgments of the Young Addicts and the Social and Psychological Reasons of Their Involvement in Drug Abuse (on Material of the Research of Nigerian Youth)

The article is devoted to studying the contents of the subjective judgments of young Nigerian drug addicts on the social and psychological reasons of their involvement in drug abuse. The author generalizes the main theoretical approaches to this problem. Research objective: to study the main social and psychological judgments determining involvement of the Nigerian youth in drug abuse.

Why Do We Look Younger or Older than We Are: the Search for Psychological Determinants

The paper presents the results of the first stage of the study devoted to the analysis of perceived age psychological determinants. The purpose of the article was to study gender-age, socio-demographic and psychological factors of a person’s perceived age assessing based on his or her appearance perception. “Perceived age” is defined by the authors as the age attributed to a person (object of perception) by another person (subject of perception, appraiser) as a result of perception of his or her physical appearance.

Recognizing Ekman’s JACFEE Set of Stimuli by Female Subjects in Varied Time Intervals in Correlation with the Driving Forces in Their Personality

The study focuses on the correlation of Szondi’s driving forces in a person with microgenesis of perception of JACFEE set of stimuli by female students (11 subjects). Method: the subjects were exposed to Ekman’s JACFEE set of stimuli (with varied time intervals of 16 msec, 34 msec, 49 msec, 66 msec) in background noise conditions. We have found that microgenesis of perception of the JACFEE set of stimuli involves a chain of phases, in the course of which the mechanisms of perception follow in succession.
