
Justice Measurement in Organization: Psychometric Characteristics of the Procedural Justice Scale of the Organizational Justice Scale Developed by J. Colquitt

The author analyzes the concept of organizational justice and describes different approaches to the justice measurement. The author analyzes the impact of the procedural justice as a factor which results in high work motivation and productivity, constructive attitudes to work and prevention of job insecurity perception. The psychological content of justice in the organization as a unidimensional and multidimensional construct is discussed. The empirical study presents the results of validation of the subscale of “Procedural justice” (The Organizational Justice Scale, J. A. Colquitt).

Behavioral Specifics of Adolescents with Diabetes

The latest studies make emphasis on misadaption of people fighting chronic diseases, consequently allowing for psychology approach to diagnostics, prognosis and therapy of the disease. This article covers the issue of self-awareness development in adolescents with diabetes. This time of a child’s life is characterized with entering whole new social position forming his/her conscientious attitude of the self as a member of the society.

Career Preferences and Professional and Psychological Types of Students of Higher Education Institutions

The article gives the data of the empirical study of career preferences and vocational and psychological types of students as a part of the solution of the issue of planning of professional career of university graduates. It was assumed that based on the expression of vocational and psychological types and career preferences, it is possible to describe the current and potential directions of career development.

The Ratio of Discriminatory Attitudes of Personality and Behavior Strategies Towards the Discriminated

The results of an empirical study of the relationship between discriminatory attitudes of personality and behavioral strategies in relation to discriminated people are presented. The purpose of the study is to identify significant statistical relationships between discriminatory attitudes of a person and strategies for his or her behavior in a conflict, as well as types of interpersonal behavior.

Impact of Media Information on Consciousness and Behaviour of Younger School Students in the Context of Judicial and Psychological Examination

The article is devoted to the analysis of media impact on behavior and consciousness of younger school students. On the one hand, the problem calls for the need of research of the character of media impact on consciousness and behavior of younger school students, and, on the other hand, this issue has been studied insufficiently so far.

Subjective Images of the Past, Present and Future of a Country as Predictors of Commitment to One’s Country

The article describes the results of the empirical research into and theoretical analysis of image determination of commitment to one’s country. Topicality of the issue is increasing in the globally transforming world that is facing growing tendencies of international, territorial mobility of life and career strategies of modern society. In the conditions of obvious outer macrosocial determination of sovereign migration behavior, social psychology has to tackle the tasks of scientific study of inner personal predictors of commitment to one’s country.

Expert Assessment of Social and Psychological Factors of Repeated Involvement in Criminal Activity of the Convicted

The problem of predicting repeated delinquency is relevant in the context of changing crime in the modern world. Risk assessment of the repetition of offences among of inmates is pragmatic, practically significant. The possibilities of using expert evaluation to predict the reintegration of inmates into criminal activity were investigated. Experts (prison officers) gave prediction options for the behavior of 87 inmates after they were released from prison.

Student Youth’s Social Perceptions of Blogger Personality

This article presents the initial results of the empirical study into characteristics of the student youth’s social perceptions of a blogger personality. Taking into account the growing popularity and young people’s enthusiasm about blogosphere, it can be said that the social representation (image) of the blogger as a multilevel socio-psychological media phenomenon is one of the most significant in the field of forming an individual holistic view of media. The study involved 1,020 students (age range = 17–23) of Chernyshevsky Saratov National Research State University.

The Ratio of Envy, Subjective Well-Being and Social Skills

The problem of determination of envy, multi-level mechanisms of its regulation is one of the urgent problems in today’s dynamic and highly differentiated society. The study of the relationship of envy, subjective well-being and social skills can reveal the direction of the links between these variables. The study involved 196 people of both sexes (44% of men) aged M = 28.6; SD = 8.5. The research was based on the technique for the diagnosis of personal enviousness and subject areas of envy (T. V. Beskova), methods of measuring subjective well-being of the individual by R. M.

Ethical and Sense Bearing Codes of Organizational Culture

The article presents the results of the study of ethical and sense bearing codes of organizational culture in the framework of the order approach. The content of the concepts of ethical and sense bearing subsystem of culture, cultural program and ethical and sense bearing code of culture is revealed. There are a total of 46 participants in this study from two regional enterprises of Russian state corporations. The main research methods were two order diagnostics of organizational culture (the expression of suborders of organizational culture and the degree of suborder formation).
