
Notions of Students about Risks of Involvement of the Person in Criminal Activity: Focus-Group Research

The article presents the results of a focus group study of respondents’ submissions (university students) on the potential risks of involving a person in criminal activity in modern society. The judgments of the representatives of the target group were based on the experience of everyday life (one’s own, acquaintances and relatives) and information obtained from the mass media. The content of respondents’ social representations is structured in relation to social groups (adolescents, youth and adults) and the specific risks of accusing them of criminal activity.

Social Capital as a Psychological Phenomenon

The article is devoted to the problem of substantiating the phenomenon of “social capital” as a psychological phenomenon. The purpose of the study presented in the article was to systematically review the articles devoted to the problem of social capital, executed in a psychological perspective.

Value-based Meaningful Characteristics of Social Activity of Youth, Depending on the Forms of Its Manifestation

The purpose of the study presented in the article was to identify the similarities and differences in value-based meaningful characteristics that determine the different forms of social activity of youth. The results of an empirical study performed on a sample of young people aged 18–25 (N = 80) are presented. The study of the youth’s social activity is performed with the help of the original questionnaire; its life-purpose characteristics are analyzed with the help of the lifepurpose orientations test by D. A. Leontev, the existence scale by A. Langle and C.

Order Diagnostics of Organizitional Culture: Level of Managerial Team

The article introduces a new method for order diagnosis of organizational culture at the level of the management team. The method allows to assess the state of the organization’s management system as an integral part of the organizational and cultural system. The method is based on the management system model developed by O. S. Vikhansky and AI. Naumov. The model identifies three subsystems that are diagnosed using questionnaires in the selfassessment mode by members of the management team.

Social and Psychological Features of Emotional Burnout at Various Stages of Seniority of Correctional Staff

The article presents the results of empirical research of correctional staff’s emotional burnout. The hypothesis: there is an existence of features of correctional staff’s emotional burnout at various stages of their seniority. Empirical selection is presented by employees of Federal Service Directorate of Execution of Punishment in Saratov region. Methods: V. Boyko’s method for burnout level assessment; K. Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). This research shows dynamics of emotional burnout which people working in penal system eventually acquire.

Social Identity and Commitment to One’s Country: Conceptual and Empirical Basic for Analysis of Correlation Between Constructs

The research into commitment of a person to large stable groups and territorial communities is becoming extremely topical due to greater mobility and migration processes in the modern world. The correlation of constructs of commitment to one’s country and social identity has not been studied yet, which determined the goal of the given research.

Social and Psychological Determinants of the Representations about Jealousy

The urgency of studying the social and psychological determinants of personality representations about jealousy is beyond doubt, since it gives the most complete understanding of the prerequisites and the main causes of jealousy. Jealousy, being a passion, can be extremely dangerous. It is not always possible to distinguish the so-called “normal”, grounded jealousy from morbid, groundless, pathological, “delirious” jealousy.

Substantial and Semantic Characteristics of Students' Ideas About Hope

The purpose of the study described in the article was to identify the characteristics of perception of hope by students with different levels of dispositional hope. The study was performed on a student sample (N=73), whose average age is 19 years with the use of the following psychodiagnostic tools: the semantic differential by C. Osgood; “Hope Scale” by R. Snyder adapted by K. Muzdybaev with the subsequent application of the method of semantic universals and factor analysis.

Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Realization of Discriminatory Attitudes of the Person in Behavior

The results of a theoretical analysis of the problem of the correlation between discriminatory attitudes of personality and behavior are presented. The relevance of the topic is determined by the social order of revealing the determinants of discriminatory behavior of the individual creating social tension.

Predictive Model for Identifying the Inclination to Subordinate in Girls of Student Age

Modern conditions for the development of our society dictate the need for new scientific tasks related to the study of the genesis of such socio-destructive manifestations of the personality as: depersonalization, increased suggestibility, a tendency to subordinate without a critical assessment of the meaning and sense of people’s behavior in the situation of interpersonal interaction, leading to the susceptibility of the person to manipulative the impact of individuals or groups pursuing mercenary, unlawful or extremist purposes.
