
Time in digital history

The article is devoted to the problem of representation of the image of time in digital history. The author understands digital history as a scientific direction that studies the history of digital society, as well as the history of the creation and application of information and computer technologies, their impact on the history of a man and a human society within the framework of epistemic arenas. Epistemic arenas bring together human scientists, the masses of Internet users, digital technologies and media.

The phenomenology of rational and irrational thinking

This article examines the phenomenological structure of various types of thinking: rational, instrumental, irrational, magical, aesthetic, and ethical. The modalities of consciousness that determine the development of a particular way of thinking, as well as the conditions and forms of their disclosure in different social and cultural conditions of social reproduction are revealed. The author shows the significance and direction of development of the phenomenology of irrational thinking in the context of modern socio-political realities of Russia.

“A Room of One's Own”: The local aspect of privacy

The article deals with the local aspect of privacy, embodied in a human dwelling. The aim of the research is to philosophically analyze the local aspect of privacy, to identify its essential characteristics. The study is based on an integrated approach that includes logical, hermeneutic-interpretive and comparative methods. The novelty of the work lies in the conceptualization of the socio-philosophical phenomenon of local privacy. The presence of a private space closed from the eyes of the public gives an individual a sense of security and peace.

Cultural status: The dialectics of objective and subjective

The article is devoted to the philosophical understanding of the concept of “cultural status” in modern scientific discourse, which includes structural-functional and communicative approaches and allows to identify the invariant features present in this concept. These features, according to the authors, are associated with the category of measure, which fixes the balance of the diverse features of human nature. Cultural status reflects the position of its bearer in the space-time continuum and the context of values, norms, and relationships.

“Save as…”. The role of a computer interface in digital ontology

The article provides the analysis of the computer interface as a digital world phenomenon in correlation with its constitutive and representative function for image production. Several concepts of media theorists and researchers of visual culture of new (i. e. digital) media (M. Hansen, D. Bruno, D. Drucker) are examined in the context of considering intermediary functions of interface between the computer code message and the user. The analysis of the project of art group Share Lab about the interface and algorithms of Facebook for user behavior is being carried out.

Meaning-forming functions of the spatial coordinate of culture in Foucault's philosophical concept

The article is devoted to the study of understanding the meaning-forming functions of culture, determined by its spatial characteristics in the philosophical work of Michel Foucault. He puts forward the thesis about the decisive role of space in social practice, the growth of complication of its organization from planar to three-dimensional, and opens up virtual spaces of cultural thinking. Space is understood not only geographically, but as the initial impulse and attribute of culture.

Metaphilosophical pessimism of C. McGinn

This article is dedicated to the metaphilosophical pessimism of C. McGinn. McGinn is known as a main proponent of “new mysterianism” in the contemporary analytic philosophy of mind. According to mysterianism, we can’t solve the mind-body problem because of the natural cognitive limitations on our side. McGinn’s view on the nature of philosophy is the component of this conception. In general, mysterian metaphilosophy didn’t get enough coverage in the research literature but it deserves a bigger interest. McGinn argues that philosophy is actually a combination of unsolvable problems.

I. Kant and B. V. Rauschenbach on cognition and morality: The contact points

In the XXI century, the humanity continues to actively transform the world, technological progress puts rationalism in the first place as a worldview. Of course, the balance between rationalism and irrationalism in one time dimension and cultural space is difficult to achieve, each of these types periodically prevails and therefore has a specific impact on culture. At the same time, periods of changing cognitive and value orientations may be accompanied by crisis phenomena of a moral and ethical nature.

“The old burden” of subjectivity in criticism of L. Feuerbach and Junghegelianer

The article is devoted to the consideration of key aspects of the socio-political meaning and direction of the philosophical and theological doctrine of the Junghegelianer. The nomination of philosophy as the “mother of sciences”, combining the old metaphysics and new dialectic, to the center of the social “agenda” is explained both by internal reasons (split in the Hegel “school”, competition from positivism, renaissance of theological thought), and the impact of external factors.

The sources of formation and specific features of public rhetoric of Metropolitan Platon of Moscow (Levshin)

The article is devoted to the consideration of the best examples of ancient and ecclesiastical eloquence, which are the main sources of the formation of public rhetoric of Metropolitan Platon of Moscow. Representing science closely related to philosophical knowledge, public rhetoric is formed as an effective means of education, enlightenment, and influence on public opinion, so its priority task is inextricably linked with the search for and justification of truth which do not contradict moral principles. The special qualities of Church eloquence of FR.
