
Geschick (The Message of Being) as a Constitutive Feature of the Mythical

This article is devoted to the task of identifying the constitutive attribute of the mythical. The study does not concern the phenomenon of the genesis of myth, considering only those features which allow the myth to survive significant changes, deconstruction and evasion, without losing the basis of its essence, where evasion (der Entzug) is one of the most important terms of Heidegger’s philosophy, denoting the ability of a being to manifest itself in an indirect, unnatural way, to impose itself on a representation.

A Man and Society in the Digital Age

New media communications take people away from their background and history, commercial manufacturing and class struggle. Society turns into a giant installation. There, a wide variety of communities coexist and conflict in a playful and, at the same time, hyperreal form, following their own rules of the game. All this forces us to revise the basic concepts of social philosophy. Despite the increase in prosperity, alienation does not disappear. On the contrary, it gets new forms.

Moral Nature of Philosophy

The article explores the moral nature of philosophy. The source of philosophy is the duality of human existence. Philosophy is moral in its essence, being a way of life which actualizes the contradictory unity of the dual human nature in thoughts and deeds. Historically, there were three types of understanding the philosophy: the Sophia type, the epistemic type and the technematic type. The Sophia type, first formulated by Pythagoras, comes from the idea of love of wisdom. Being the fullness of knowledge, wisdom is accessible only to God. Man’s lot is the eternal search for wisdom.

Genealogy of Gender: Social and Philosophical Aspects

The paper is devoted to the socio-philosophical analysis of sex and gender with the help of the comparative historical method of genealogy in the unity of biological, social and symbolic dimensions. The origin, relevance and history of “male – female” relationships are analyzed. It reveals the complexity and multy-dimensionality of social reality including history and tradition, mythology and metaphysics. “Male” and “female” are understood as constitutive social ontological sources of the cultural picture of the world.

Biocentrism as a Model of Environmental Development of Society: Socio-Philosophical Analysis

The article is devoted to modern issues of bioethics and the problem of replacing anthropocentric values that lie in the relation of a man to nature with the values of biocentrism. Attempts to solve the environmental problems of modern society within the framework of the anthropocentric paradigm have not been successful so far, despite the fact that many theories have been created to prevent the environmental crisis.

Beyond Postmodernism: Jean Baudrillard and the Other Dimension of Myth

The article considers the problem of myth in the late works of Jean Baudrillard, which go far beyond the postmodern paradigm of thinking. It is shown that the development of the work of the French thinker was dictated by the logic of breakthrough, which forms a peculiar dialectic of “meetings” and “partings,” where a meeting with the postmodern myth of simulation meant breaking up with the myth of the scientific, and breaking up with the postmodern myth, in turn, meant a transition to new horizons of understanding the mythological component of modernity.

Феминистские подходы к критике андроцентристских теорий общества: методологический аспект

The article is devoted to the consideration of the methods used by feminist theory for a critical study of androcentric theories of society. Despite the existence of many examples of criticism of the society theories, revealing their androcentric conditionality, no attempt has been made to analyze the methodology used in them with the potential of its capabilities to identify the androcentric component of these theories.

Philosophical Background of Successful Patriotic Education

The article discusses the philosophical background of successful patriotic education, which is fundamental, not related to the sociocultural situation. The relevance of the issue arises from the need to formulate methodology for patriotic education, which optimizes efforts for developing and implementing specific programs of patriotic education. It is also necessary at a fundamental level to resolve the dispute between supporters and opponents of the objectivity and a positive role of patriotic education for society and the individual.

The Formation and Development of Ancient Philosophy of Mythology

In the article the process of emergence and development of ancient Greek philosophy of mythology is considered. The main trends in interpretation of the phenomenon of mythology by Ancient Greek thinkers are analyzed. The study of this issue allows to understand the special features of the process of demythologization and rationalization of public consciousness, and besides it allows to establish the reasons of this process. Thus, the task of studying the development process of ancient philosophy of mythology and also the role of mythology in ancient spiritual culture are set.

The Society of Consumption as a Source of Social and Spiritual Risks

The society of consumption (another name – consumer society), as it is studied and understood in modern scientific literature, is a complex and ambiguous phenomenon. On the one hand, the society of consumption is associated with the domination of material values over spiritual ones, on the other hand, they say that the main objects of consumption are not material things themselves, but their symbolic and social significance, i.e. the intangible dimension of the material world.
