
Eurasian Migration: Mechanisms and Principles of the Global Migratiosphere

The article focuses on Eurasian migration processes, seen in the context of three migration models, as well as their impact on demographic and sociocultural dynamics. The actual problematization of the article is to determine the relationship between the phenomenon of migration and the demographic crisis on the continent. The author sets a goal to find common ground between various migration models in the search for ways of overcoming the demographic crisis. To solve the problem, comparative and systems approaches were applied.

Sociocultural Aspects of Intergenerational Communications in the Digital Age

The article deals with the problem of interaction between generations in the emerging digital age. With the introduction of digital technologies into everyday life, qualitatively new conditions for the existence of society are formed, what affects the interaction of generations.

The Visual Space of a City: A Semiotic Approach

The article deals with the problem of visuality in the context of space from the point of view of visual semiotics. The choice of the problem determined the methodology, which is based on a semiotic approach. Visual semiotics uses induction as the main tool: analyzing individual elements of space, i.e. signs, it moves to the generalization of the results at the level of semiotics as a whole.

The Art of Being a Human: The Need for Anthropological Practices

The article is devoted to the need to study anthropological practices in modern socio-humanitarian science. The problem of underestimation of the anthropological side of the study of practices is revealed. The main reason for this underestimation is the influence of Marxism on the whole philosophy of the 19th and 20th centhuries.

The Philosophy of “a New Christianity” by F. M. Dostoevsky

The article is devoted to the philosophical views and world outlook of F. M. Dostoevsky. The author analyzes the validity of accusation of Dostoevsky in “a new Christianity”. Based on the comparison of the writer’s own thoughts and polemical statements about his work by such philosophers as V. S. Solovyov, V. V. Rozanov, D. S. Merezhkovsky, and M. I. Tugan-Baranovsky, the author provides the description of Dostoevsky’s “new Christianity”.

Heidegger as a “Christian theologian”?

The article considers one of Heidegger’s statements presented in a letter to his friend K. Löwit dated August 19, 1921, in which he defines himself as a “Christian theologian”. The main existing perspectives on Heidegger’s “religiosity” being listed, the question arises, can we, and if so, in which sense, call Heidegger a “faithful Christian”? To answer this question, one needs to distinguish between “ontic theology” and “onto-theology”, the latter concept being very close to Heidegger’s own project of “fundamental ontology”.

Translational Mechanisms of Cultural Communication

The article analyzes the mechanisms providing informational exchange between the subjects of culture considered as individuals and cultural groups. Integrating and differentiating components of the translation of cultural knowledge are distinguished, the dependence of the translational processes on the personal experience of the information donor and recipient is described. Cultural communication also provides a single vector of development for its participants contributing to their more effective adaptation to the social environment.

The Rational Activity of a Modern Personality and the Meaning of Its “Rationality”

The article is devoted to the analysis of understanding of the meaning of “rationality” of the rational activity by a modern person. According to the author, the achievement of the goal is impossible without solving the problem of studying the epistemological foundations of post-non-classical rationality which dominates the system of civilizational values, since the basis of the meaning of “rationality” always has a certain type of rationality. At the same time, the author pays special attention to such tools of cognitive activity of a person as information and knowledge.

The Problems of Bioethics in Modern Science: Philosophical Aspect

The constructive solution of the diverse essential problems of human life in the space-time continuum of life involves an explanation of the specifics of the development of life on Earth from the perspective of bioethics. In the article, the human world and all living organisms of the biosphere are considered as unified dynamic and organic integrity. The principles of bioethics acquire an important role for the civilizational interaction of nature, a man and society within the framework of a single global system of life.

The Use of Rhetorical Topics in the Text of the Gospel

The article considers the aspects of reciprocity of rhetoric and missiology. Many rhetoric aspects of the Holy Scriptures can be found in the Bible, but they experience certain transformation. The text of the Bible is particularly examined in order to find out different rhetorical constructions. This analysis is based on Aristotle’s works, devoted to topics and rhetoric. Such an approach to the Holy Scriptures from the point of view of the Orthodox Theology research is innovative and hasn’t been applied before.
