
Evolutionary Development of Social Norms: from Ascriptiveness to Descriptiveness

The article is devoted to the analysis of such properties of normativity as ascriptivity and descriptivity, as well as the principle of the evolutionary development of norms. The article defines the content of the concept of “norm”, identifies two main interpretations of it: as a combination of a standard set of properties and as a sample of desirable behavior. It is argued that the second interpretation forms the idea of social norms. The problem investigated in the article is the presence of various properties of social norms and their corresponding requirements for people’s actions.

Thomas Reid about the Active Power as the Cause of Changes in the World

The main subjects of the article are the analysis of Thomas Reid’s conception concerning the “active power” and an attempt to give the definition of it on the basis of this conception. Such an examination hasn't been undertaken in Russian philosophy up to now. The goal of the article is to combine these meanings and to reveal the sense of his conception of this power by stepwise consideration of specific character of every meaning of this present power, outlined fragmentarily in his philosophical works.

Ontology and Language in the Context of the Linguistic Turn

The correlation between the linguistic turn and the turn to ontology is analyzed. The ideal of “pure mind” in classical philosophy is corresponded to epistemological and methodological orientation of philosophical thought, and the turn to language in the philosophy of the ХХ–ХXI centuries is followed by the turn to ontology. It is proved that, despite the contrast, Russian and western philosophy of language have convergence points in the sphere of ontology.

Mental Foundations of the Cultural Specificity of Eastern Christian Civilization

The article considers the mental foundations of the cultural specificity of the Eastern Christian civilization based on the cultural-historical method. The purpose of the article is to clarify the historical model which formed the mental differences between Western European and Russian cultures. It is shown that the roots of the civilizational division of Europe into Western and Eastern ones are largely determined by the special way in which “barbarian” ethnic groups were attached to the Christian and ancient traditions.

Birth and Death of the Subject in A. Kozhev's Philosophy

The article explores how Kozhev repeatedly strengthens the role of the anthropological factor in being, preserving the basis of Hegel’s philosophical approach and at the same time attributing this intention to Hegel himself. Since Kozhev defines a person as an entity taken in isolation, but understood as a component element of the reality, humanity becomes the only one responsible for the dialectical, i.e. historical dimension in being. On the contrary, Hegel attributes the logic of historicity and dialectical development to all identity, including nature, as a whole.

From Myths about the Past to the Mythologization of Time in the Digital Media Environment

The article deals with the transformation of temporal structures of mythology in the digital media environment. The authors show the role of time in the functioning of myths about the Past, consider the mechanisms of coupling the sacred past of the origins, the heroic time of struggle, the stable “pre-present”, the present and the future. The mythological “ruler of time” depends on the experience of artistic understanding of time and the way of communication.

On the Possibility of Living through the Experience of the Other in the Socio-Phenomenological Concept of R. Zaner

The article analyzes the problematization of the concept of the Other in social phenomenology. It has been shown that the study of this topic is connected with the solution of two interrelated issues: the issue of the paramount living of the Other’s figure and the question of the possibility of living through the Other’s experience. These questions in phenomenology are traditionally solved using two opposing approaches: the perceptual approach of M. Scheler or the apperceptive approach of A. Schütz, based on the views of E. Husserl.

The Ontology of Digital Code: From Human to Nonhuman

The article provides the analysis of the significance of digital revolution for technoculture, inspired by the scientism of the modern era. An ontological status of digital code is the purpose of this research. The approach is focused on the role of computer interface in optical media history (F. Kittler), along with the understanding of «picture of the world» (M. Heidegger), within computer image review (F. Kramel, M. Fuller).

Educational Aspect of Memory Space

The article presents an analysis of the memory space from the standpoint of the ideal sphere of a person, as well as the role of flashbacks to the war in the formation of values. The focus of the analysis is on dialogue with youth. Direct communication of young men with their close people – participants in the war is essentially an irrational act that determines the specifics of the subsequent attitude to historical events and, most importantly, lays the foundations for identity.

Transcendental Subject, Spirit and Identity: from I. Kant to C. G. Jung

The aim of the work is to identify factors influencing the philosophical views of I. Kant on the formation of the psychoanalytic concept of C. G. Jung. The methods of explication, comparison and hermeneutic analysis are used. The central place is given to the study of the influence of I. Kant’s thoughts on the transcendental subject of thought and the human self, on the psychological and philosophical reflection of consciousness and unconscious of C. G. Jung. Moreover, the study focuses on the ideas of I. Kant, which C. G. Jung used in his psychoanalytic theory.
