
The Economic View of Teenagers and Youths of Social Inequality, which is Formed During the Process of Economic Socialization in Russia

The article presents the results of the study of the ideas of adolescents
and young adults of social inequality. The empirical research has revealed
nuclear components of ideas of adolescents and youths about
various aspects of social inequality, as well as changes in their ideas,
depending on the age of adolescents. The results of the research
indicate that teenagers don’t adopt in it’s pure form existing in the
society conflicting views and attitudes towards social inequality in the

Type of the Leaders Emotional Intelligence as the Determinate Factor of the Functional Type of Leadership

This paper discusses different concepts of emotional intelligence
(EI), put forward a hypothesis on the connection between EI and
organizational type of leadership, assumes the existence of different
types of EI, places further tasks to improve organizational culture,
through work with the components of leader’s emotional intelligence.

Group Subject’s Self-Appraisal

Some resumes of theoretical and empirical analyses of the problem
of group subject’s self-appraisal are expounded. On the material
of students’ groups the peculiarities of the group self-appraisal in
dynamics of changes from 1 to 5 courses are discussed as well as its
possible ratio with the individual self-appraisal.

Mathematical Model as a Diagnostic Tool for Determination of the Formation Level of Pedagogical Tolerance

In her article the author specifies the term «pedagogical tolerance» and determines its psychological components. Mathematical model’s creation is described and theoretically justified stepwise. It helps to determine the level of pedagogical tolerance during its formation process, to set up a correspondence between real and necessary demonstrations of tolerant behavior in pedagogical practice. 

Features of Self-Injurious Behavior in Adolescence and Youth

The research is aimed to studying features of self-injurious behaviour in adolescence and youth. This purpose makes us analyse such characteristics as self-attitude, coping behaviour, cases of psychological traumatization, deviant socialization and self-injurious behavior. Three types of self-injurious behavior: a deviant, a prosocial and a personality-dysfunctional one are defined.

Perception of Conditions Health and Illness as the Analoque of Adaptive Strategy

The subjective perception of experience of health and illness which depending on expressiveness alexithymia is considered in article. The author offers the description of two basic strategy of experience of these conditions: active and passive. The revealed features elaborate representations about an internal picture of health and illness as the uniform adaptable process realizing both of form: the self-attitude and the attitude to the world; at the same time this process is a part of adaptable potential of the person.

Stratometrical Conception of Akmeologization of Person and Social Stratofication of Society

The meintenance of authors stratometric concepsion of akmeologization of a person in aspect of social development of society, particulary its stratification is considered in the article. In the essence of this concepsion in multilevel social activity of akme-type persons – in achievement of tops of development in process of self-education on levels of poleostaz, adaptation, socialization, self-actualization Moralsemantic paradigm is the basic of self-isolated persons.

Stratometrical Conception of Akmeologization of Person and Social Stratofication of Society

The meintenance of authors stratometric concepsion of akmeologization of a person in aspect of social development of society, particulary its stratification is considered in the article. In the essence of this concepsion in multilevel social activity of akme-type persons – in achievement of tops of development in process of self-education on levels of poleostaz, adaptation, socialization, self-actualization Moralsemantic paradigm is the basic of self-isolated persons. 

Team Building in Cross-Cultural Psychology

Organizational aspects of international researchers’ team building in Internet in cross-cultural psychology are considered. For dealing with key words a method including elements of association task and backward translation, Abric’s structural approach and Verges’s methodological tools is suggested. 
