
Human Existence as Writing

The article’s aim is to investigate human existence through the notion of writing, using philosophical concepts of J. Derrida and J.-L. Nancy. Any of our actions or thoughts can be interpreted as acts of writing, located on the surface of touching, in the area, where oneself is opening to the Other. Our existence doesn’t “have sense”, but it itself becomes the sense, being written out. The paper also raises the issue of the idea of self. Being local and for that reason always different effect of writing, ego hereby is fragmentary, irreducible to any unity, devoid of self-identity.

Homo Ludens 2.0: The Limits of Mythologization in the Digital Space of the Game

The article considers the processes of mythologization in the game space. The author, noting that current mythological processes in fact occur simultaneously with mythmaking, compares the specifics of mythological activities in public life and in the digital space. The systematic approach is used to study the contemporary myth. The analysis of such closely related components of modern social mythology as ritual and game is carried out. The game is considered as one of the mythocontent phenomena of the ritual.

Trust as a Moral Principle of Advocacy

The article analyzes the evolution of the concept of «trust» in ethical and socio-philosophical thought. It is emphasized that trust is correlated with such concepts as responsibility, integrity, honesty and is directly involved in the formation of a professional reputation. The communicative side of legal work is analyzed, which involves not only the exchange of information, but also the psychological interaction between people, which is directly supported by trust. We look into the role of trust in the realization of the professional activity of a lawyer at various social levels.

Identification Problems of a Woman in Ancient States (the Ancient East and the Antique World)

The article is devoted to the study of the problems and possibilities of identifying a marginalized person using the example of a woman of the ancient state. Stereotypes of patriarchal culture produce the appearance of “security” and limit the development of a personal identity, directing it at socially established roles. Representatives of different schools of thought including existential philosophy and psychology, raising the issues of the authenticity of existence, opposed the pressure of culture and the conditionality of a person in the XIX-XXI centuries.

The Problem of Complexity of the Universe: “The Grand Design” or Perceptual Aberration?

The hypothesis is that complication of the theoretical apparatus of fundamental science is caused not by the very nature of reality itself, but by a perceptual aberration. Such an aspect of the problem as stratification of an object in various information coding systems is revealed. The same object (the same quality, property, relation) can be duplicated in various coding systems that creates the illusion of different objects (different qualities, properties, relations). Diverse aspects of the object itself do not coincide with the variety of ways of its coding in our cognitive means.

Risk-generating Aspect of Education and Sociocultural Potential of the Society in the Context of Digitalization

The object of the authors’ research is the modern society, in which digitalization initiates the endless change of situations derived from the development of the information technology environment. Digitalization is transforming systemic social processes, local practices, and such a strategically important area as education, which is most sensitive to a state of uncertainty. Since uncertainty causes existential risks, the need for an anthropological approach to the analysis of everyday life arises in the study of the risk-generating aspect of education.

Digital Philosophy of History: Problem Statement

The article raises the problem of the possibility of creating a digital philosophy of history. The initial thesis of the work states the fact of the crisis of the traditional philosophy of history, the absence of meta-narratives which introduce global historiosophical concepts, and the unsuitability of the existing categorial apparatus for describing the realities of the digital world.

Culture in the Era of Digitalization: Social and Philosophical Understanding

The article deals with the phenomenon of a digital society and a digital culture as a consequence of the penetration of digital technologies into the main components of the sphere of culture, influencing the formation of a new cultural experience and changing behavioral and cultural preferences.

Toposes of Modern Society: the Reflection of the Ways of Informatization

The target programme of the author’s approach presented in the article includes the study of the methodological functions of concepts-toposes capable of uncovering the essence of changes in the life space of a society, changes caused by the increasing influence of the Internet. The main stages of the informatization of the modern society are presented in the article by toposes of late industrialism and information toposes of post-industrialism which have emerged in the “post” era.

Scientific and Technical Rationality: Horizons of Interaction

The article develops the author’s concept of relations between communication and isolation in the structure of the totality of technology and science, the ratio of rational to normative scientific, cognitive and technical structures. The focus is on the nature of ideals and norms of scientific and technical research, the types of scientific and technical rationality, their interdependence, and their role in cognition. The aim of the work is a comparative analysis of scientific and technical rationality based on the study of the foundations of science, technology and paradigms.
