
Culture as a Methodological Innovation in the Context of Philosophical Reflection

The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the phenomenon of culture. We set the task. There are the analysis of culture as a philosophical phenomenon firstly, the comprehension of culture from the point of view of methodological innovation in the context of philosophical reflection secondly in this task. We were concluded that the culture is not sufficiently integrated into philosophical discourse at the present time on the basis of the analysis. Culturology is the result of nonclassical social and humanitarian scientific reflection in comparison with philosophy.

Globalization as a Dynamic Phenomenon of the Present

The article deals with ethics of responsibility and analyses dynamics of modern global processes. The authors explore the strategies of discourse management, allowing to diagnose positive and negative tendencies in the course of globalization and to realize the correcting of global development.


Computerization of Science as a Way to the Dialog and the Integration

Computerization of science gives the real possibility overload the break between two kinds of cultures: natural, so called «precise» sciences, on one hand, and humanitarian sciences, on another. «Washing away» the edges between local cultures, computerization furthers new style of thinking genesis, and marks future science contours.
