
The Formation of Multiple Identities in the Digital Environment

This article discusses the development of the digital environment and the sphere of human activity associated with the qualitative transition to new forms of reflection. The author analyzes the formation of digital reality from the point of view of cultural and communication phenomena. The analysis of multiple identity and its interaction with the digital space is presented, actualizing the problems of control, transformation and modification of the identification processes.

Russia and the West: Dialectics of Cultures Interaction and Opposition of Mythologies

Authors of this article state that any post-industrial society is divided into an elite and a mass (S. Bauman, P. Virilio). The elite is exterritorial and mobile, masses, on the contrary, are limited territorially and their movements are either tourism, or the labor migration. Culturally elites tend to interact among themselves more often than they do it with their nations. As for masses, they use, on the one hand, different objects of “other” cultures, but, on the other hand, they oppose each other at the level of mythologies.

Phenomenology of “Life-World” of the Military Service

The article presents the characteristic of the military service as a system based on social phenomenology, which divides life-world into several levels, several “life-worlds”. The core of the life-world is the corporeal world, psychophysiological individual content. The main carriers of the military service culture are officers. In the conditions of military service spiritual values, traditions, convictions, symbols are essential because they play a decisive role in shaping the individuality of a military man.

Value-based Foundations of the Scientific Community in the Conditions of Formation of the Society of Knowledge

The article is devoted to the role of scientific communities in the formation of new paradigms, as well as changes in the norms of the ethos of science, introduced by R. Merton, change in the conditions of the formation of the knowledge society. Thus, the knowledge society is able to change the idealistic norms of R. Merton and create their own on the basis of those already available with such adjustments that are capable of “supporting life” artificially in the moral and ethical aspect of the issue in the course of scientific cognition.

Philosophy of Rene Guenon as Philosophical Esoterism

Philosophy of Rene Guenon, despite not being known to general public and remaining understudied by academic community, is one of the most interesting intellectual events of 20th century. The attempt to classify and define the philosophy of Rene Guenon is presented in the article. In author’s point of view, it is important for scientific study of Guenon’s philosophy. For the exact definition of Guenon’s philosophy author suggests the term “philosophical esoterism”, which marks the philosophical character of Guenon’s works as its main feature and places it in the field of esoterism.

The Values of the Posthuman Future: the Problem of Choice

The article is devoted to the analysis of the postmodern philosophical reflection of the problem of posthumanity, in the aspect of analyzing the interrelation between the development of robotics and the increase in tendencies to asexuality. The philosophy of postmodernism, the world view of transhumanism and the philosophical views of cyberfeminism contributed to the formation and development of a new posthumanistic value system, replacing man with some kind of asexual monster, combining a mixture of man, animal and machine.

Culture, Civilization, Religion in the Modern World

The article is devoted to the conceptualization of the phenomena of culture and civilization, as well as the role of religion in the modern world. The task includes, firstly, the analysis of these phenomena in the framework of the socio-philosophical dimension and secondly, understanding of religion as the center of civilizational ideology, which is expressed in the Judeo-Christian values in the West and the ethics of Islam in the East.

Spirituality as a Basis of Morality and Patriotism in a Modern Russian Society

The article considers the dialectical correlation between patriotism, morality and spirituality. Spirituality is interpreted as the main condition and basis of all moral qualities and abilities of the human being, including patriotism. In comparison with patriotism as a spiritual quality of the person, spirituality looks like a transcendental condition of personal existence, which allows us to interpret it more fundamental and, therefore, primary phenomenon. Based on this, the widespread idea found in literature according to which patriotism is the basis of spirituality is criticized.

Media Space: Socio-Philosophical Analysis

The purpose of this article is to analyze various approaches to studying the problems of media space in modern society, as well as the definition of clear common characteristics attributed to media space in various theories of media in social philosophy. In the search for a universal definition of the phenomenon of media space, the author considers the socio-philosophical category of media space, understood as a special kind of reality, which includes the basic components of the socialization of modern man in the framework of not only social institutions, but also culture as a whole.

Social Memory in the Life Space of Socium

The article discusses modern problems of inheritance and perception of the past from the standpoint of the categorical apparatus of social philosophy. The conceptual bases of the analysis are connected with the comprehension of the heuristic possibilities of the concepts “social space”, “living space”. When analyzing the ontology of social space, three types of spatial relationships should be considered: institutional, spatial-stratification and civilizational. Virtually and spiritually mastered by people, the natural and social space becomes the life space of the society.
