
Formation of Students Subjectivity in the Educational Space of Faculty of Arts

The article discusses the problem of personality of the students in the education space. Raises issues finding of meaning in the process of learning and the formation of subjective stance on training activities.

The Problem of Training Primary School Teachers in Higher Pedagogical Education in the Introduction of the Federal State Educational Standards of Primary Education of Second Generation

This article analyzes changes in the target, content and technological aspects of training primary school teachers in higher pedagogical education in the introduction of the federal state educational standards of primary education of second generation.

Theoretical-Experimental Bases of Socio-Emotional Cultures Formation of Orphan Adolescent Personal Culture

An attempt to consider socio-emotional development of adolescents, brought up out of family, from the point of view of socio-emotional culture on basis of cultural-historical theory was undertaken. The methodological basis of factor analysis and development conditions of socio-emotional cultures of orphan adolescent in educational environment is presented here. The direction and logic of experimental investigation was define. The factors, influencing on success of socioemotional culture development of interpersonal relations were characterized.

The Structural Organization of Self-Сontrol Depending on a Level of Subjective Well-Being of the Person

In article results of empirical research of interrelation of self-control and subjective well-being of the person are submitted. Specificity of interfunctional connections in structure of self-control of the person is shown depending on a level of subjective well-being.

Authority in Sotering Context

In article the order concept of organizational culture which part is the technology sotering (a version of management therapy) is presented. Sotering gives new perusal of a phenomenon of authority as to ability of the leader to social creativity. Work with imperious function by means sotering assumes disclosing its psychological and ethical meanings influencing character of formation of organizational culture.

The Questions of Methodology Maintenance of Juridical Psychology Expert Research

The methodology aspect of psychology juridical expert research is considered in the article and ways of solving the problems wich are connected with making of such expert research methodic on the base of general scientific methodology principles are also discussed. The determinant means of principles of systematic and individualization are demonstrated. The system of criterias of scientific justifiability of making juridical psychology expert judgments is formulated.

Process of the Socializations in Changing Condition of Being and Subjective Well-Being

In article are discussed questions of the correlation subjective and subjectivity with position of the socializations of personalities, shaping space of being. It is analysed their place and role in shaping the subjective well-being of personalities.

Cognitive vs. Affective Factors of In-Group Identification in the USA and in Russia

The presented research consists in a factor analysis of in-group ethnocultural identity of Russian and American respondents. The basis for a questionnaire offered to respondents is constituted by Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure by J. Phinney. Degree of the defined factors influence on ethno-cultural identity has been detected.

A Social and Psychological Analysis of the Development of the Culture of Production and Consumption of Media Information

The article shows the modern state of the culture of consumption of media information at the level of individual and group consciousness. The authors state their preliminary conclusions that were made on the basis of the use of the experimental version of the inquirer ICCI (Individual Culture of Consumption of Information).

Correlation of the Beliefs about World and Self-Actualization of Personalities in Process of the Professional Socialization Midshipman Military High School

In article offered results of the empirical studies beliefs about world of midshipman military high school, their structures in process of the professional socialization. Match up the presentations and features self-actualization, are revealled typical particularities of these phenomenas.
