
Model of Effective Manager in Frame of Dynamic Leadership Concept

This research is dedicated to a problem of leadership effectiveness in the context of changing social situation. As part of the research generalized competency model «20 dimensions» was created. Results of comparing «20 dimensions» to three popular Western models demonstrated that despite significant similarities between these models, several competencies crucial to defining the success of a manager in Russia are not in demand abroad.

Social and Psychological Quality of Innovation Potential of the Person Manager

This article deals with the strategic goal of developing theoretical and methodological problems of a socio-psychological model of a modern leader, applicable for the selection of competent managers and to prepare them as subjects of professional management. A model of the innovation potential of the individual manager in the context of social and psychological processes in the labor group is considered in this article.

On Actual Problems of Modern Theoretical and Practical Psychology

The paper focuses on the ways of identification of the actual problems of theoretical and practical psychology. A special attention is paid to the articulation of the actual problems of organizational psychology. The complex of the actual problems on the scale «mankind – community – organization – person» is considered. The problem of the nature of creativity and uniqueness is highlighted as the central one.

Social Psychological Genesis of «Self» from the Standpoint of the Philosophy of Social Interactionism

This publication considers the explanation of the consciousness and «self» genesis offered by G. H. Mead through a gradual development during childhood of a capability to assume a part of the other and to visualize own behaviour from the viewpoint of the others.

Psychological Readiness of High School Students for Strategic Vital Orientation

Article is devoted to an actual problem of a course of life choice by students of higher education institution. The psychological essence of concept «vital strategy» is specified on the basis of the theoretical analysis of a problem, the attention is focused on the connections between the strategic decisions and the aspiration to vital success.

The Role of Logical Relationships in Memorizing the Text

Work is devoted to discussion of the role of logical relationships in memorizing the training text, examines the notion of a logical link. Correlation of intellectual activity and memorizing of training text which we educed described in this article.

Primary School Age: Development of Mental Action Organizing

A content of the article is a summary of the empirical study. We are interested in the question: is there a connection between the age of a junior student’s and between a success of solving tasks for the systematization of polygonal geometric figures. The model examination of mental activities which we chose pay attention to factors such as «age» and «classroom».

Contradictory Development of Individuality: B. G. Ananiev’s Conception

The article offers the analysis of individuality conception formulated in the works of B.G. Ananiev. It is stated that the Ananiev's concept of individuality has two inseparably connected meanings: individuality as an inner world of individuality and as a system integrity of human qualities – as of a person, individuality, subject of activity and content of inner world. The contradictoriness which defines the development of individuality is displayed and its causes are exposed.

Features of Ethnic Tolerance of Residents of Frontier Areas of Russia and Kazakhstan

This article presents results of the study of interethnic relations in two border areas: polyethnic area of Russia and monoethnic area of Kazakhstan. The social psychological factors and peculiarities of personality examined and correlated with the manifestation of ethnic tolerance / intolerance.

Transformation of Foundations of Scientific Psychology

Relations between empirical data, theory structure and foundations of scientific psychology (interpreted as academic and applied discipline) are considered. Genesis and transformation of foundations of scientific psychology are represented. Declared and latent foundations of psychological knowledge, their relations with common sense, life experience and intuition are analyzed. 
