Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Philosophy. Psychology. Pedagogy, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 3
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Dynamics of Globalizing Economy in Discursive Management Context: European and Chinese Strategies
стр. 36
Interrelation of the Social-Psychological Adaptation of a Personality and the Coping-Behaviour Strategies of Pupils and Students
стр. 69
Cognitive Frames of Archaic and Classical Greek Vase-Painting Perception: Spatial and Contextual Aspects
стр. 78
The Link between Time Perspective, Personality Traits and Self-Injurious Behaviour of Opiate-Dependent Patients
стр. 87
The Subject and Methodological Principles of the Judicial Socio-Psychological Expert Examination of the Criminal Group
стр. 99
Indexes and Levels of Formed Necessity in Creative Activity of Students in the Process of Interactive Teaching
стр. 112