
The Mathematical Verification of Emotional Orientation Method’s Construct Validity

The results of mathematical verification of B. Dodonov’s test of emotional orientation research are presented in this article. In particular, the verification results of questionnaire discrimination points and verifications of scales on co-ordination (Chronbach’s alpha) and normal distribution are also presented. The dataset standardization is held, scales are built (in st. tens).

Peculiarities of Non-Verbal Behavior when Reporting False Information

The article presents comparative analysis of the terms «lie», «non-verbal behavior», «non-verbal communication», «non-verbal interpersonal communication». The article is dedicated to the problem of false information in people’s interpersonal relations; it states that there is lack of investigations and non-effectiveness of the existing methods for lie detection. The present work substantiates the necessity of false information’s verification based on peculiarities of personal non-verbal behavior.

Landscapes of Happiness: the Emotional Foundations of Modern Consumption

Consumption is seen as the key process of modern society. In terms of social action consumption is an institutionalized action, a social practice, which can lead both to expenditure value and to its growth. The objects of consumption are manmade and natural objects with symbolic meaning. Image/brand/sign update values and motivation and behavior. Consumption as a mass cultural phenomenon is possible in a developed communication infrastructure, producing avalanche processes.

The Self-Relation as the Determinant of Personal’s Subjective Well-Being

The goal of the study was to identify the psychological aspects of self-relation as component of subjective well-being of personality of students. Theme is identification the specifics of people’s self-relations formed in various national-psychological, socio-political and economic conditions; the subject is self-relation as a determinant of subjective well-being of ethnic Russians and Kazakhs. For the diagnosis of subjective well-being method «The scale of subjective well-being» adapted by M. V. Sokolova was applied.

Involvement of the Personality in Criminal Activity: to the Problem Statement

Need of identification of social and psychological mechanisms of involvement of the personality locates in article in criminal activity in the conditions of anomichny Russian society; factors of expansion of areas of criminal self-realization of the personality in anomichny society are allocated; the main directions of psychological research of the identity of the criminal are described; ways of involvement in criminal activity (individual, group) are allocated; manifestations of modification of modern criminal subculture (a combination of criminal and individualistic values, formation of s

The Organizational Culture of a Theater as a Subject of a Social-Psychological ResearchThe Organizational Culture of a Theater as a Subject of a Social-Psychological Research

The article analyzes the specificity of studying organizational culture of a theater through social-psychological research approach. The author argues the benefits of an order approach appliance in a study of a theatrical organization. As a methodological basis of order approach A.Schweitzer and P. Kozlowski’s works are considered.

Parent-Child Relations and Development of a Child as a Future Adult Family Member

Parent-child relations play a key role in the development of a child as a future adult family member. The object of our research is formation of parent-child relation systems in children. The aim of our research is to find out the dependence between parent-child relations and the formation of future parenthood of children. To study this we used PARI methods and a parent-child relations test.

Social Representations of Young People about the World in Various Conditions of Socialization

In the article the specifics of the system-diachronic approach to the analysis of the different conditions of socialization of the personality are discussed. It contains the research of social representations of young people about the world in various conditions of socialization. The prospects of studying of social ideas about the world in dependence on the conditions of socialization of the personality are shown. The nuclear components of the influence of the ideas of young people about the world areallocated and described.

Laws of Transformation of the Mental Burning Out Condition at Pedagogical Workers in Aspect of Intraprofessional Differentiation

The article is devoted to research of laws of structurally-dynamic changes of mental burning out condition during its transformation in personal properties at pedagogical workers, irrespective of specificity of their professional work. Modern psycho diagnostic techniques methods of descriptive and comparative mathematical statistics are used in research. According to this approach structurally-dynamic change of the mental burning out condition, repeating in its each phase, we consider as law of transformation.

Correlation Between Creative Potential and Coping-Strategies of Personality of Higher School Students

The current study considers the problem of creative potential of personality in context of overcoming of difficult stressing situations. The results of analysis of contents of creative possibilities of personality and of basic coping-behavior strategies of students with different professional orientation, are represented. For the majority of students «solving the problem is escape from emotions» model of coping-stressful behavior strategy is characteristic.
